Dungeons and Dragons, 5th Edition: Curse of Strahd

Dungeons and Dragons, 5th Edition: Curse of Strahd

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Encounter+

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The DND5e Adventure book Curse of Strahd! This game is for all lovers of Dungeons and Dragons, but particularly those who like a challenge, excellent storytelling, deep character-driven narratives, and just a splash of gothic horror. Adventurers will start this adventure at level 1, and can level up to 11 in a fairly generous milestone advancement system. If adventurers join together and mutually agree, they may be the adventure at level 3 with some existing knowledge of and notoriety in Barovia. Character creation is open to all options on DND Beyond (all content unlocked and shared via campaign), all characters may also pick a bonus feat upon character creation that lends itself to their backstory and enhances their RP flavor. The game will begin with a Session Zero, which can be shared or individual to promote party cohesion and improve the role dynamics. All adventurers will have the opportunity to introduce their character, playstyle, and background in a framed narrative experience. This also includes a modeling of their character model in Hero Forge to be imported into the VTT.

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need a microphone and have the option to have a webcam, depending on the preference of the group. Players will need a DNDBeyond account to access content, perform dice rolls, and generally manage their character experience. I will add you to my campaign and share all content with you, minus the adventure book to prevent spoilers and/or metagaming. You may need to enable traffic over port 8080 on your home router depending on web server configuration. If this doesn't work, I will work around it. Be advised that I do not care for meta-gaming, "murder hobo" play-style, or uncalled for breaking of the immersion of other players. I also generally do not care for min-max style players, and will reward effective role-play and well thought out actions and strategies. I will not forbid any of these, but will tend to respond to them sternly, both within game systems and without.

What I provide

I will provide all materials via DNDBeyond and Encounter+. I will also assist players in creating a model of their character in Hero Forge for introduction into the VTT. Any other character artwork desired, please feel free to provide and it will be integrated to some degree. I am not a particularly strong artist, but if you are, I will do my best to allow you to display your talents. Please bear with me and have a degree of patience if I experience any sort of technical difficulties on my end. I am proficient in the use of these tools and systems, but there will be little hiccups here and there. I will also be adding TaleSpire back to my repertoire when my access is restored, and will diligently attempt to provide the most immersive and fun game possible.

Gameplay details

I am very flexible and will modify the experience based on the wants and needs of the players. I am fairly talented at improvisation, so I can alter the game experience on the fly. I generally discourage profanity, so the game could be considered PG-13 rated. I will harshly rebuke and likely remove any player who uses any sort of derogatory language based on race, creed, color, religion, or sexual preference. There are some disturbing and graphic content descriptions to promote a more "horror" vibe, but I can easily tone these down or up depending on the individual tastes of the player group. I will always take the concerns or desires of the group as a whole into consideration, but if an individual player becomes problematic or does not mesh with the group, I will address that.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character creation will be handled in a Session Zero setting. Adventurers will begin at level 1 for the full experience and fairly rapidly advance to level 3, or they can begin at level 3 and skip the introductory module. If you have a preconceived character that you prefer, you are welcome to bring them into the game at my discretion. I generally encourage any and all characters, but there are certain aspects of the setting and environment that do not particularly cater to certain backstory or character options. I will not explicitly forbid anything, but will discourage things that I feel are not favorable. Characters will need to be created or imported into DND Beyond, and I generally prefer a standard array or point-buy build for overall fairness. If all players want to roll for stats, I will allow them to do so, but they must abide by the their rolled stats, whether excellent or poor. The dice giveth, the dice taketh away.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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