Dawn of the Few

Dawn of the Few

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Land of Ynoch - Year 111 of Saras Ynoch is a vast continent of wonder and peril. From simple villagers to high empires share the same struggle to survive against the unending danger around them, from the creatures of the dark and from the neighboring kingdoms willing to prey amongst each other. Currently there is the danger of the nearly half-century war between the Elves of Elvitheas & the Dragonborns of the Orsan Empire. Both kingdoms are in an arms race for resources, land, and power, both hungry, unsatisfied and unyielding. In an effort of truce to prevent any more bloodshed, a marriage to join the kingdoms as one was attempted but that as well turned to be unfruitful. In the midst of this war, a handful of adventurers will embark their journey with the hunger to explore for knowledge, riches or glory. Bound by luck or fate, a curious fighter, a devoted duo of ranger & druid, a wizard last of his order and a virtuous paladin found themselves hired by an elven agen that goes for the name of The Messenger and tasked to be his eyes and ears as they journey to the empire lands as spies, providing intel that may effect the long standing war or to eventually end it. Preferably played weekly on the agreed schedule. Between games, our shared Discord channels allows text-based roleplaying & party decisions so that game-time is spent on all the action and roleplaying we all love, provided the party ends the previous session in a safe place to not break immersion. Players will start at 3rd level, with the expectation to play & reaching the 20th level, or the same level as the party.


1 year on StartPlaying

103 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, World Builder

Additional Details

How to prepare

I ask that my players all have a working microphone and a discord account set up, as well as a stable internet connection for smoothness of play, webcam is totally optional. I greatly appreciate players who take notes. Improved Inspiration points will also be rewarded to players who does the recap, character role play & other amazing feats. Foundry VTT account is not needed as game link will be provided with the corresponding user login info for each players.

What I provide

I am an artist by trade and will create party illustrations for free post campaign. Will create custom tailored maps on expected encounters, and have back up of surprise ones. My table is open for any improvement and feedbacks to level up the player experience each session. Beside the main campaign, your individual story matters as I will create story that ties up to your backstory, people of interest from the past and quest for you to achieve as part of your character growth. The Foundry in game campaign will be open 24/7 so players can study their character sheets as well as read the provided world lore & their current tasks at hand. Our shared discord channel is open for roleplay & discuss between sessions.

Gameplay details

The game will begin with a session 0, to go over expectations, concerns, character creation, basic world lore & current events and house rules. Character creation will be handled either on session 0 or 1v1 with the DM prior to the session 1 using Foundry VTT. The map will be on Foundry VTT while audio is on discord. This game uses the Monte Cooke RPG consent checklist. When playing a fantasy rich world, different themes and topics may arise that may affect players differently, such consideration I'm easy to have a conversation to adjust the setting and story to everyone's liking and comfortability and I do not tolerate any harassment on my game. Gameplay wise we will use the rules as guidelines helping each other out but will lean over the rule of cool most of the time, cause we are here to have fun. I will not be your enemy and will be just a mere narrator of your journey or to carry the story forward if necessary. Midway through the session we will take a 10 minute break to grab snacks, drinks, coffee or use the bathroom.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Character creation will happen via FoundryVTT and Discord as I'm will be more than happy to assist players to work on their character together. One needs to have a character concept that fits the world setting two hours before your first time playing with us, otherwise you will need to use one of the pre-generated characters provided. If a new one joins later in the campaign you will start at the same level as the other players. - characters start at level 4 - limited to common races with few exception on select exotic race - official published contents are allowed except Unearth Arcana, some content will be altered to fit the world setting - stats will be rolled (4d6 & drop the lowest) or standard array - if one is unhappy on their roll they can then use the standard array. - hitpoints are average

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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