Aberica 2069 / Mysterious Strangers

Aberica 2069 / Mysterious Strangers

Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Homebrew Game on Roll20, MapTool

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Aberica 2069 takes place in a post-nuclear, alternate timeline of Earth (Urff). Aberica is a continent riddled with dystopian energy as there is no longer any structured form of law outside of a city's rule, and because of this often travelers and caravans alike run into problems with outlaws and gangs mugging or extorting them. So people find solace and valor in comradery, and gain reputation with those around them. As this world is a "living world" that means that everything you do as a character, or as a party, can be observed by other parties. If you clear a cave of trolls and take all their loot, the party living in the same town as you that was hired to clear that cave now has no troll loot (but also someone kind of did their quest for them). Additionally, if you show a repeating pattern of behavior in the world, others outside of your party might be able to see that and trace that to you; meaning not only can you build reputations between your character (or party) and existing factions in the world, you can also essentially make your party into a faction in the world by creating a role or function your party/guild/organization might serve or by again establishing a name for yourselves in another way ("those jerks that keep burning the taverns in every city they go to"). Also, a big part of the MMO aspect of this world is that I want each of the parties to kind of form the direction of their adventure and the shape of their group (unlike a starter kit module), meaning I really want players to have most of the control over what happens in their campaign. One of our parties is a traveling circus. One of our parties is a hippie commune/drug mining operation full of undead servants, charmed peoples, and scalies. One of our parties is a thieves guild posing as helpful hands around the city as a ruse to steal and siphon information from it's citizens. One of our parties is full of master chemists and protectors of the forest. Though Aberica is a land of infertile, irradiated soil; your collective dream as a party may (most likely) fruit here. Greetings travelers; and welcome to Urff...

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

We communicate through discord, so a good mic is always preferred; but some players use their phones and it works just fine. Additionally, my games will soon be switching over to MapTool so you will need that at some point. For the most part though; you just need a character, an idea of the world around you, and an open spirit about getting into it. Oh, also a Roll20 account until we finish MapTool maps!

What I provide

I make maps for each of my campaigns, and help set up items on their sheets and anything else they might need, and have art scrounged from the depths of the internet to fill out a world of NPCs that players will get to know, love, and loathe.

Gameplay details

There is a pretty even split of exploration, social/roleplay, and combat across all my games, and I am not the most brutal DM; but that doesn't mean players aren't punished. An average session usually consists of players going to a market, looking for quest items, finding NPCs they might need, working on their property, making potions, praying to one of many custom deities (cough cough), or unearthing some sort of lore about the world.

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Safety tools used


How will character creation work

We can create characters together out of session as we have custom races and some changes to classes, but generally I am willing to help work something out if you already have something in mind.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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