A Deep and Creeping Darkness |:| A Candlekeep Mystery

A Deep and Creeping Darkness |:| A Candlekeep Mystery

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

A Deep and Creeping Darkness tells the tale of a mountain village whose residents went missing over the course of several months. Seventy years ago, an explosion rocked the platinum mine, collapsing the tunnels and burying workers under tons of rubble. Sixty miners were underground that day. Over thirty of them died in the initial collapse, and the instability of the tunnels made rescue of the others slow and dangerous. The miners who survived the collapse were trapped for days or weeks before they were rescued—or perished in the deep, alone and terrified. Sixteen came out alive. Eleven were never found. In the wake of the catastrophe, a different, more sinister horror plagued the village, as people began to just... disappear, starting with the survivors— but not all at once. One or two would vanish in a single night, then a tenday might pass before the next disappearance. These unexplained disappearances terrified those who remained. After all the rescued miners either disappeared or fled, still others began to vanish. There's an awful lot of ore still left in that mine... Whatever evil afflicted this town must have passed by now... right? ___________________________ A great game for beginners and veterans alike! This could be run as a one (or two or three) shot, or perhaps it could become the catalyst for a whole new campaign for you and your party. Starting at 4th level, your characters will begin with a wide variety of tools to overcome the challenges of this adventure, while not being too overwhelming for even a first-time player.




3 years on StartPlaying

118 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

We are going to be using Discord for communication, so you definitely need to have a mic of some kind to chat with everyone. Please create characters ahead of time, and if you're new to D&D, I'd be happy to walk you through creating a character before we begin, or provide you one from a selection of pre-generated (but still fun/creative) characters. We will be using the program Foundry VTT to show handouts, character art, location art, and conduct combat. Foundry is web-based, so all you need is some kind of laptop/PC with a web-browser (Chrome/Firefox/Brave seem to work best) and you're good to go! I'll do a brief tutorial for the software at the beginning of our first session and as tools become needed.

What I provide

Everything required to play the game, maps, handouts, character sheets, digital dice, etc, through Foundry VTT But most importantly... I bring the party 😎 (Well technically *you guys* are called the party... but I still *bring* you along on an awesome adventure, don't I?)

Gameplay details

This game discusses themes of death, nightmares, claustrophobic conditions, and psychological torment/gaslighting; if any of these topics are considered unsuitable for you, play is not advised. Game is considered PG-13 in its design, however, some elements can be excluded if needed. Player input (as always) can be unpredictable, however, any scenarios beyond an "R" rating or entering into depictions of sexual abuse will not be tolerated. Romance between PC's is also highly discouraged.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
How will character creation work

Your character will start out at level 4, and character creation is highly preferred through a D&D Beyond campaign link. Please notify me in advance if you plan on doing character creation a different way. Any content from official sourcebooks is allowed, but any homebrew content must be pre-approved. Stats can be rolled or pregenerated (point buy or standard array). If they are rolled, I ask that you be honest with what your first roll is, good or bad. (Cheating isn't fun 😔) However, I will allow 1 re-roll before you either choose to keep one of your rolled stats, or substitute a pregenerated method. (It's not fun to be stuck with a lame character right off the bat either!!)

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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