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[PbP] Fabula Ultima | Custom Adventures! | Everyone welcome!

[PbP] Fabula Ultima | Custom Adventures! | Everyone welcome!

Fabula Ultima | Campaign

About the adventure

In Fabula Ultima, the players and the GM create the setting and adventure together, both at character creation and as the game goes on. That means that I don't have any specific plots in mind—instead, my role is to riff on your ideas and the choices you make to create a custom game, just for you! What I can promise is a vibe—Fabula Ultima is a "TTJRPG," and as a longtime JRPG fan, I will deliver on that promise. While details will be decided during session 0 and hammered out continuously over the course of play, you can expect such genre staples as: ⚔️ Knights, wizards, and everything in between ⚔️ Fantastical creatures ⚔️ Airships! (You might even own one, eventually!) ⚔️ Dynamic turn-based combat ⚔️ The power of friendship ⚔️ Crystals, probably! ⚔️ Exploration ⚔️ And so much more! If you want an exciting adventure through a dangerous fantasy world, you've come to the right place!

Game style

Rules as Written (RaW)

Games that are ran “Rules as Written” emphasize realism and stick to the letter of the rules, allowing players to explore creative solutions while still operating under a consistent rule set. Players have the ability to utilize the rules in creative ways to create awesome characters and moments in the game.

Rule of Cool (RoC)

“Rule of Cool” emphasizes creative story beats over sticking to a system’s rules as written. Players have the ability to push the limits of the rules or even break core rule mechanics at times if the Game Master thinks it is interesting, fun, or cool enough.

Roleplay Heavy

“Roleplay Heavy” games place the focus on the story, the characters, and the world they live within, and tend to lean hard into the various roleplaying elements of the game. These games will frequently find the party talking with NPCs, exploring the personal elements of their backstories, or even having emotional moments around the camp fire.

Recruiting notes

New players are welcome, and this is an LGBTQIA+ friendly space! As my Game Style selections indicate, I'll be prioritizing both Rules as Written AND Rule of Cool—Fabula Ultima is a game where adhering to the RaW *requires* accepting the RoC! And if you feel intimidated by the system, don't be. I'll be there with you to help you learn. ~ What is Fabula Ultima? ~ Fabula Ultima (or FabUlt) is a "TTJRPG," designed to be easy to run and play while still retaining that feeling you got while playing all your favorite JRPGs. Key features include: - Mix-and-match character creation, using 15 different classes! You'll craft the character YOU want to play, picking and choosing abilities from a handful of classes and, once you master those choices, adding even more classes to your character. - Flexible out-of-combat options! Between the various Ritual disciplines for magic and the Tinker's ability to initiate Projects to build special items, how you approach traversing and interacting with the world is up to you. Want the Chimerist to summon a flock of flightless birds to use as mounts? You can do that. Want the Tinkerer to create a sky-sailing airship to fly to your destination in style? You can do that too... eventually! - No inventory-managing hassle! The flexible "Inventory Points" system means you don't have to tear your hair out trying to figure out exactly what consumables to stock up on. You might still need to get special items for ambitious projects or powerful magical rituals, but you won't be tracking individual pieces of adventuring gear. - Character-driven gameplay! As the GM, I will make *some* executive decisions, but the vast majority of this game involves the players making decisions that I respond to, including creating locations on the map or spending your Fabula Points to alter the story directly! - Control, even in defeat! If you lose, I get to make something bad happen... but I don't get to kill your characters. Not unless YOU say it's time for you to Sacrifice yourself—and accomplish something amazing on your way out. Feel free to embrace danger and chaos, since you can always claw your way back into the game, even if you fail.

DMs Guild Writer
Published Writer
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Inclusive

Additional details

How to prepare

✔️ Discord - While Foundry does have a chat log, I'll be expecting communication to take place on Discord instead. If you don't have an account, no worries—it's free. ✔️ Forge - I'll be hosting my game on, which does require a free account to play on. ✔️ Learning the System - I don't expect anyone to be an expert, but I will expect at least a familiarity with the basic resolution rules as well as your specific abilities once you've made your character. I will provide access to all rules material, and will be available and happy to help you learn. Just make an effort, and you'll be fine! ✔️ Come ready to create! - Character creation will involve me asking a LOT of questions regarding your character, and you'll have a LOT of input on the world. Don't be intimidated! You can keep things simple and I'll extrapolate, but I will expect some input, even if you leave lots of room for me to fill in details.

What I provide

I will host a Foundry world to run the game, hosted on Forge, which will be always-on for players to drop in and take their actions in combat or handle rolls I ask for during other scenes. In it, you can expect a fun little "start menu" landing page, as well as fully functional character sheets and rules references for you to peruse as you consider what you'd like to do. The listed price is, essentially, a weekly access fee for you to play whenever you have time! As a GM, I will be focusing on building a world and story together with you. The choices you make will influence the challenges you face, and you'll even have a certain degree of narrative control afforded to you by the system itself. That means that, though I will stick to the rules-as-written as closely as possible, there's quite a bit of leeway for you within those rules to get away with some truly off-the-wall stuff! I'll be focused on reacting to your antics, as well as putting obstacles in front of you that really push you as individuals and a party. I also have over a hundred character images in a cute, colorful style that I can provide for your characters! I maintain a strict "no generative AI" policy, and am willing to help players who typically rely on AI for their art find alternatives, so even if I don't have something that works for you, I can help you find something!

Gameplay details

As this is a PbP game, "session 0" is essentially a full week for us to discuss our ideas and plans, as well as build characters, over text. "Breaks" are a given as well—I'll expect an average of 1 post per day at minimum, but if you're going to need a day off for any reason just let me know. The PbP nature also means that "debriefing" isn't a set time after a session, but I have an open door for anyone who wants to discuss the game, one-on-one or as a group. As for X, N, and O cards, that can be handles via private messages or public chat at your preference!

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

I will be running a game using the core Fabula Ultima ruleset—no additional books will be included. The Foundry system *does* include many non-core options, though, so be careful to pick options only from the core offerings and run all decisions by me before adding anything to your sheet. We will be building our characters together, as well. That means I can help you with the process, and you can work together with your teammates to turn the party into a well-oiled machine—or a walking disaster, if you prefer that!

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Sunday - 4:00 PM UTC

1-1 Hour duration

1 / 4 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined