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What Will You Create? Kingmaker: 2nd Edition

What Will You Create? Kingmaker: 2nd Edition

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign

About the adventure

Ahoy there and welcome to Kingmaker - it's one of my favourite Paizo given settings out of all of them that there are, mostly due to the fact that a huge amount of what happens in it is going to be driven purely by player choice and preferences. The story goes along just fine but the Kingdom? That's all yours: get involved in ruling as much as you like, change the face of the country or leave it as is, bring forth an industrial revolution or make an alliance with the fairies and have everyone living in trees. Hike through dense woodland and cold mountains or get your guild of magical engineers to build you a flying boat to soar over your realm. Beware though - what starts with an assignment from a Swordlord looking for political allies in a land rocketing towards war swiftly turns into a manic combo of wilderness exploration and settlement building with twisty tricksy fae magicks virtually pouring in from all sides - because you aren't the only Kings in this game.

Game style

Roleplay Heavy

“Roleplay Heavy” games place the focus on the story, the characters, and the world they live within, and tend to lean hard into the various roleplaying elements of the game. These games will frequently find the party talking with NPCs, exploring the personal elements of their backstories, or even having emotional moments around the camp fire.



1 year on StartPlaying

7 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Teacher

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Game Master Reviews (7)


Players say this GM is great at:


Knows the Rules


Richard avatar


New review

Played 7 sessions

Andrew is one of those rare DMs that can really surprise you. There's nothing better when playing a session than having your DM invent out of the ether something you've never encountered before. He's thoughtful about character specialization, too, including small items of interest that were thought out specifically to go along with your character build. It's a really nice touch when you realize that your DM has taken the time to look over your sheet, and then come up with something tailor made just for you!

Claus avatar


New review

Played 4 sessions

Andrew is an experienced GM who runs well prepared games, funny voices etc

David Ogden avatar

David Ogden

New review

Played 6 sessions

Andrew is knowledgeable and flexible. He is a fun and capable gm

Buttery avatar


Played 2 sessions

Andrew is very flexible, able to adjust his DMing well depending on both roleplay and on the mechanics side of thing. His ability to sell NPCs in demeanour and voice is also really good! I would high recommend him.

Amy avatar


I have played Pathfinder with Andrew for a number of years now, both around the table and online. He is well organised, knowledgeable and extremely entertaining. We always have a good time when Andrew is GMing, even when we go off on a tangent or derail his plans. He GMed my very first game of Pathfinder 1e, and he helped me build my first character with a patience and enthusiasm that really got me excited to play. I really look forward to my next game session with him.

Ethrunie avatar


GM definitely up for creative solutions, always a fun session but keeps the story progressing well.

Additional tables

1 available


Weekly / Sunday - 7:30 PM UTC

Mar 30 / Session 8

5 / 6 Seats filled

Additional details

How to prepare

You will need: A Mic (essential) A webcam (not essential) A Discord account (essential) A roll20 account (essential) A steady internet connection (essential) At least a passing familiarity with Pathfinder 2nd Edition (pretty important) You will not need to create characters in advance - we will handle this during and after session 0.

What I provide

I bring the official Kingmaker release from Paizo, maps and tokens galore. I love doing voices and whilst I generally follow the rules as written I do place a caveat for social interactions - depending completely on what a player is comfortable with they can either make a social roll as normal, or simply roleplay out the conversation - I'll then make my own call on how convincing they happened to be. I am also more than happy to play fast and loose with the rules in favour of a better time being had by all. I am fairly creative and hope to use the world Paizo has graciously provided as a springboard for some of my own ideas - we will not be limited solely to what is written in the adventure path. An example of this will be the starting gifts - minor magic items from inside my head of which each player will receive something that makes sense for their character. Previous examples include a ring applying an antigravity effect to allow you to jump up dozens of feet but doing no such thing on the way down, a box that always has something you needed yesterday in it and a ticking hourglass with a sense that something calamitous would happen if one side ever ran empty. I have a paid Roll20 account and I take full advantage of their dynamic lighting to limit what players can see and where they can go to better emulate the adventure. Telling you that you don't know what is inside the room works so much better when you literally cannot see it on the map.

Gameplay details

Session 0 will be free and should serve to set expectations and hopefully have a frank discussion about where everybody's boundaries are. X,N and O cards can be sent anonymously via a whisper on roll20 which I will make sure everyone is aware of how to use. I like to have a good discussion after each session anyway as it helps me get a good sense of how I did. Generally we'll use discord to communicate and roll20 for character movements and actions as well as allowing whispers between players and GM. I'm aware that roll20 has its own communication system but previous experience has shown that to be a tad unreliable. Generally I use discord for voices and enable the camera on roll20 - that way if the site does lose connection we're still able to hear each other. The rules and such given for exploration and kingdom building are solid but I do recognise that religiously sticking to them can be time consuming at best - there is no particular need to run through each individual action taken when you stop to camp each night over a weeks journey for example - unless of course something interesting or plot relevant might happen.

Content warnings

• Alcohol Use

• Insects

• Animal Death

• Violence

Safety tools used




Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

The starting level will be 1, character creation shall be discussed during session 0 - I have a copy of the players guide available if anyone will want help deciding on what is appropriate to play - to be clear this is not to impose a limit on players but to let them know the kind of reactions they might expect if they say - played a lizardman character in a region where raids by said scalyfolk are not uncommon. Roll20 has the Pathfinder 2nd Edition character sheet all set up for use - I've tested it with friends and found no real issues, it also has a full bank of feats and spells so there hopefully won't need to be too much time spent on outside research. Access to the Pathfinder 2nd edition Core Rulebook will be very helpful but not absolutely essential. If you do need any help with character creation or levelling I'm more than happy to help outside of session time or during aftercare/debriefing

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Thursday - 7:00 PM UTC

2.5-3.5 Hour duration

0 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Intermediate

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 4 players have joined