Andrew (he/him)
1 year on StartPlaying
7 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Teacher
Average response time: Under 1 hour
Response rate: 100%
About me
I'm an 18 year rpg veteran, I cut my teeth on DnD 3.5 and am currently parked firmly in the Pathfinder camp. I adore homebrewing my own worlds and using better systems than I could have come up with to bring them to life, that said I've also had a grand time using pre-built modules and seeing how the work of far more professional people than I meshes with my own. I like to try and cater my worlds to my players so at the very least a short meet n greet is appreciated. I work best when I can tell that others are getting to the same level of investment that I have - and to do that I have to know what you want out of the whole experience. I've run games with vets who are just looking for a solid bought of escapist fun and I've run games with total newbies who aren't quite certain what RPG stands for. I freely admit that my mapmaking skills are in desperate need of work and this is a weakness that I plan to address, it comes of playing far too many physical games and having to spin the world together with words alone - but there's wisdom in the saying that a picture is worth a thousand of those and in the interests of sparing my vocal chords just a little bit of the torment and having an actual combat grid to figure out where the heck characters even are I have a lovely roll20 account which I have used on many an occasion with great success. Bottom line, at the moment I am new to the online hosting game, but I am very willing to learn. Timewise I am free most weekends and most Wednesdays. I say "most" because my work runs off of a 4 week timetable and there isn't any single day that remains consistently open over those 4 weeks. I look forward to meeting you all. Mataspore
GM Style
I love roleplay and I enjoy doing voices. I like a nice crunchy combat scene as much as the next person but I especially love it when players find innovative solutions to the problems I present them with as I find that some of my best stuff happens when I'm forced to think on the fly in response to the unexpected. I'm not one to coddle players who don't wish to be coddled and like the thrill of combat with risks but I'm also one to cheerfully run something for the story rather than the mechanics. I've had to work with vastly different groups of people over the years and I find it far better to work with what I've got as opposed to pounding a square peg into a round hole. I've played strictly by the numbers to the point that the weight of a players coinage mattered and I've played lose enough to let someone actually get away with using the peasant railgun, because the end result was incredibly funny (if you know you know).
Games played
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