🐉Dragon Queen's Dread: A Dragonlance Campaign🐉 | Levels 3-20
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Art by: Jonah the Unknown - https://www.into-the-unknown.me The Dragon War to end all Dragon Wars has begun. After lying in wait for so long, the Dragon Queen has called upon her champions and devout servants to march on the kingdoms of man and turn them to ash. However, there is one factor she has yet to consider - you and your fellow party members. Join the Knights of Kryn and the High Sorcery Mages to drive back the evil from whence it came! 🐉 Face off a plethora of draconic monsters - big and small! ⚔️ Epic war-like combat encounters in iconic Landscapes and maps! 🪖 Memorable and Legendary NPCs! 🧟Defeat Soth and save the world! See highlights of my GMing here: https://youtu.be/_zBgfGHD35w A taste of my voice acting skills: https://www.kevincouto.com/
Game style
Rules as Written (RaW)
Games that are ran “Rules as Written” emphasize realism and stick to the letter of the rules, allowing players to explore creative solutions while still operating under a consistent rule set. Players have the ability to utilize the rules in creative ways to create awesome characters and moments in the game.
Combat Heavy
“Combat Heavy” games emphasize the combat mechanics within their systems over roleplay or puzzle solving. There are frequent and longer battles with enemies and a greater emphasis on tactical game play.
Roleplay Heavy
“Roleplay Heavy” games place the focus on the story, the characters, and the world they live within, and tend to lean hard into the various roleplaying elements of the game. These games will frequently find the party talking with NPCs, exploring the personal elements of their backstories, or even having emotional moments around the camp fire.
- Free Session 0 - Uses 2024 rules - First session will not commence till we have minimum 4 players - Once booked, Please reach out to me on discord. My username will be in the prep materials
Game Master Reviews (193)
Players say this GM is great at:
Review for Our Game Master Having played under Kevin from 4 February 2023 to 9 March 2025, I can confidently say this was one of the best D&D 5e campaigns I’ve ever experienced. Taking us from level 1 to level 20 with minimal hiccups is no small feat, and he handled it with skill, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to making the game enjoyable for everyone. One of his strongest qualities as a GM was his openness to compromise. He never treated the rules as a rigid system meant to stifle creativity but as a framework to enhance the story and player experience. If something needed adjusting, he was always willing to listen and find a fair solution. His rulings were consistent, logical, and, most importantly, fair—making every encounter feel balanced and engaging. The campaign itself was a testament to his ability to craft a compelling narrative while giving players the freedom to shape the world. The story was rich, the challenges were rewarding, and character progression felt meaningful. He kept the game running smoothly, ensuring there was always something exciting on the horizon without dragging things down with unnecessary complications. If you’re looking for a GM who values player agency, runs a smooth and engaging long-term campaign, and genuinely cares about everyone at the table having a great time, Kevin is the one. I’d absolutely play in another campaign of his in a heartbeat.
Kevin welcomed me to DND as a rookie and thought me alot within a short time. He's super responsive and friendly. His games run smoothly with both entertainment and combat. He cares about his fellow adventures and if your ever uncomfortable with anything don't hesitate to tell him. He'll have no problem helping you. 10\10 👍👍
Additional tables
3 available
Weekly / Tuesday - 8:00 PM UTC
Mar 18 / Session 13
3 / 5 Seats filled
Weekly / Friday - 12:00 AM UTC
Mar 21 / Session 64
3 / 5 Seats filled
Weekly / Friday - 7:30 PM UTC
Mar 21 / Session 27
4 / 5 Seats filled
Additional details
How to prepare
Have a decent quality Mic, Discord, a D&D beyond account, and Roll20. No additional software is necessary. Players can roll physical or digital dice. A character sheet via dnd beyond or roll20 is required.
What I provide
I will provide maps for when combat is occurring, at all other times we will use theatre of the mind. I also use a music bot to add further immersion in various scenes. I also provide quality voice performances to enhance the characters, monsters, and environment.
Gameplay details
I will provide a Consent form as well as a Session 0 Checklist for the player to send back to me so that I am aware of any do's and dont's for sessions.
Content warnings
• Blood
• Death
• Fire
• Gore
• Guns
• Scars
• Violence
• Language/Cursing
• Character Death
• Body Horror
• Cults
• Devils / Demons / Fiends
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Open Door
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work
Anything from the official source books is fine, all homebrew is prohibited without my expressed permission. This campaign uses 2024 rules. Your starting Level is 3. If you have a character in mind we can discuss how to have them work in the campaign. For generating stats, you may use either standard array, point buy, or one of the additional following options: 7·9·11·12·15·18 8·9·11·13·15·17 5·6·8·16·17·18 7·9·10·14·16·16 Backstories can be however long you wish, preferably not more than 2 paragraphs. A google doc, word doc, or however you wish to write it, long as is it pinned in our personal DMs for me to revisit should I need to. For HP you may take the average or roll for it. I allow rerolls on 1s and 2s
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• D&D Beyond
• Discord
• Roll20
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Wednesday - 12:30 AM UTC
2.5-3.5 Hour duration
2 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+