Dragon of Icespire Peak |Session 0|beginner friendly|level 1 -7
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Centuries later, the abandoned town of Phandalin has been revitalized after new mineral reserves were found in the mountains nearby. And with it came the boom for Adventurers that can complete tasks merchants and miners cannot. As you are on your way to Phandalin as an aspiring adventurer, you find your way through obstacles while understanding more and more about your own abilities as you cross the lands becoming stronger with each hardship you face. With newly opened land, will you become the greatest adventurers there is or will you fall to monsters and become just another footnote in the fading annals of history?
Additional details
How to prepare
The players need a mic for VC, discord or google meets for the same. As for any accounts to be created it will be determined based on where we'll be conducting the sessions but most likely Roll20. Prior to session 0, while it is not necessary it would be great if any first time players can read the rules and have a basic understanding of how the game roughly works. I am ready to guide and help them learn any rules they don't understand or give them the overview of the game.
What I provide
The VTT will have all the maps, I'll also be using ambient music to set the mood of the session and sometimes do character voices. I follow a mixture of rule of cool and the raw rules, but more inclined to the latter. I give great freedom to my players regarding what they want to do. This gives them the freedom to do anything they want. However the world goes on, a rampaging dragon will continue to destroy towns and cities while the party continue with their shenanigans. Be prepared to find yourselves dealing with the consequences of your actions more often than not, whether it is a boon or bane to the party is in your hands. I will also let you have features and abilities that you would not normally gain from your class depending on how the plot progresses, but in the beginning everyone will start at the same or similar stating point.
Gameplay details
Link to the Monte Cook check sheet will be emailed to you along with my email. Stars and Wishes will discussed any time a player wants to.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
• Open Door
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work
We will use private messaging and discord or google meet calls to create your characters on or before the session 0. We will start as level 1, characters and progress forward based on the milestone system of leveling. Hero Array for your stats(16,14,12,10,10,8) + 1 free feat. We will strictly be using the Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2014 rule books. Preferably do not use books that have homebrew. If at all you wish to use them, run it through me.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Roll20
• Discord
• Google Meet
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Sunday - 7:30 AM UTC
3-4 Hour duration
2 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+