Turf War 1099 YK
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
*This is a cannabis and alcohol friendly table* Want to see a demo video of my gaming style? Check out my level 20 gameplay demo here: https://youtu.be/Ufd9eqELr2E The people of Eberron have begun to explore the heavens. Lunar colonies are growing, despite many unexpected challenges. The Dragonmarked houses have secured their place as sole distributers of the technology that drives the world. And an existential threat to many lives lies waiting in the most unexpected places, unseen, unheard. You may be familiar with the world of Eberron which features all of the familiar D&D tropes like Wizards, Elves, Goblins, and of course Dragons, but set in an early modern, steampunk type world. In this campaign, we take that a step further as the people have reached a more technologically advanced society. This will be a long term adventure, going at least into the upper teens, likely reaching lev 20.
Weekly Wednesdays at 8:30 PM Eastern Time/5:30 Pacific. 2024 Rules. As of March 09, 2025 group is level 2 and consists of: Elf Bard, Half-Elf Fighter, Warforged Cleric, Air Genasi Rogue.
Game Master Reviews (50)
Players say this GM is great at:
Rule of Cool
I was looking to join my first adventure and sifted through StartPlaying for a DM, I was not disappointed. The particular game I was joining would require me to have to jump in near the endgame of the campaign. In less than 24hrs I had a response and a date for a session 0. From beginning to end, the process was seamless. I definitely recommend Brian! He should be your next DM. He runs multiple campaigns and I am sure that any one of them is bound to satisfy your level of comfort. Give him a shot, I know he won't disappoint. From songs to music videos, or videos summarizing your session, the attention and effort he puts in running his campaigns go above and beyond.
Additional details
How to prepare
Prefer a video demo? Everything you need to get set up can be found here: https://youtu.be/_6SyrnIG9HQ Your top priority is to have a working microphone, headset, and stable Internet connection. If you have those, I can help you with anything else. A camera is nice, but not necessary. You will need free accounts on roll20.net and dndbeyond.com. You will need to join the campaign on both services, I will provide links. I strongly recommend, but do not require, using the browser extension "Beyond 20" which allows you to use Roll20 and DnD Beyond together. You can find it here: https://beyond20.here-for-more.info/install
What I provide
I will be supplying all official DnD books via DnD Beyond. I will have prepared maps and tokens that we will use with the Roll 20 Virtual Table Top (you can use your own token if you want).
Gameplay details
Eberron is a setting that favors fast-paced combat. If the rules are unclear, I will make a fast call (usually but not always in your favor) and look up the details later. Roleplay is encouraged, but never required. First and third person RP are both equally fine. We will use the built in Safety deck on Roll20, featuring Red (Stop), Yellow (Caution), and Green (Go) cards. There will be moderate levels of violence, including murder. Themes include discrimination against minority groups, immigrants, and war veterans. Minor romantic/sexual references (PG-13 level) are possible. Language will be R-rated.
Content warnings
• Blood
• Death
• Violence
• Illness
• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)
Safety tools used
• Open Door
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
We will be using DnD Beyond to host character sheets. Point buy abilities, avg HP, can use either standard equipment or Gold purchase. All official material is allowed. No homebrew, 3rd Party, or Unearthed Arcana without prior approval. No evil characters, but 'shades of grey' is fine. Characters should be willing and able to work with the group. You may create a character ahead of time, but please be prepared to make changes based on group consensus.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• D&D Beyond
• Discord
• Roll20
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Thursday - 12:30 AM UTC
Mar 20 / Session 5
2-2.5 Hour duration
4 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: All Ages