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Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen [Chapter2/5|Level 5/13]

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen [Chapter2/5|Level 5/13]

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

In their final hour, the Gods sent their thirteenth warning to deter the Kingpriest and his ritual. Trees wept blood, fires raged unnaturally, and cyclones struck the gleaming Temple of the Kingpriest. But the mortals failed and any chance of redemption was lost with it. A Mountain of fire fell from the sky, destroying Istar and creating The Blood Sea, coastlines shifted all over the world, sundering nations, drowning whole regions. Though some lands escaped the worst of destruction, none were spared the divine wrath. The gods and their blessings then faded from the world, and in time, even their names were all but forgotten. 3 centuries of darkness, famine, plague, and mass migrations. Elven nations shut their borders. Dwarves withdrew into their deep tunnels. Nations of Hobgoblins and Ogres took over what Human settlements left barren. As Krynn rebuilt and new societies arose, the world learned to live with a jarring truth: the Gods were truly gone. Religion on Krynn was altered forever. True clerics, who once worked miracles on behalf of their gods, had vanished. While some people remained devout, many others turned to false religions in search of answers and comfort. As Ansalon healed, a new threat grows. The Dragon Queen Takhisis. We find our heroes venturing to the quiet village of Vogler, to say goodbye to a family friend, for the last time.

Recruiting notes

Free Session 0, level 1-13 Campaign! Currently level 5 with a Sorcerer, Warlock, Barb, and a Monk! About to start one of my favorite sessions of this chapter! Before starting we will do a free session 0 to go over Introductions, character creation, campaign notes, any questions. Feel free to join us on discord to ask any questions at

2 years on StartPlaying

1327 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Storytelling

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Working Microphone (Possibly headset if background noise is an issue) - Discord (FREE) Username: camerox - account, a website that hosts my foundryVTT sessions (free(for you!)) - computer/laptop + Mouse (Foundry doesn't work very well on a phone/tablet but will work in a pinch! - Yearning to explore a new world and embrace your character

What I provide

Maps, courtesy of the Module, Dungeon Alchemist, various people I support on Patreon D&DBeyond Subscription so that all my players may easily create their character FoundryVTT with sounds, assets, art for martials and Spellcasters

Gameplay details

I want to preface this by saying that I've ran this adventure 12 times already. This campaign is my origin story as a DM and the first module I've ran professionally. I've since moved onto other campaigns and modules that themselves I'm nearing the completion to and are likely going to start other modules soon. Even running them my heart misses this campaign so I am very excited to start another Dragonlance campaign! My goal with how I have FoundryVTT setup is to make learning it as painless and as simple as possible. I use a beautiful UI mod to organize your moves into Actions, Bonus Action, Free Actions, and Reactions so you know which abilities are which. Also, with a simple, target enemy and a click of your weapon, the game will automatically roll to hit and damage leading to minimal time between turns and a faster paced game! No one likes waiting forever to get back to their turn. Lastly, I make sure at the end of every session to do a recap of the important lore bits we experienced as well as what lies ahead in the next session! Recently I have purchased Dungeon Alchemist so that I can make beautiful looking maps! Homebrew Rules: Using Double every other Diagonal rules for movement and spell ranges Healing Potions: Bonus action as Normal, As an Action Rolls Maximum Death Saving Throws: being knocked to 0 HP or failing a death saving throw adds 1 point of exhaustion (nat 1 adds 2 points of exhaustion) to balance this, a short rest removes 1 point of exhaustion and a Long Rest sets your exhaustion back to 0) Saving throw Crits: ex: someone casts blight on someone else, Nat 1 rolls maximum damage, nat 20 rolls minimum damage Swift Action: Swap your weapons or make a skill check(Determine an Enemy's Weakness/intentions) Flanking: +2 to attack rolls

Content warnings

• Alcohol Use

• Blood

• Character Death

• Extreme Violence

• Illness

• Murder

Safety tools used




Luxton Technique

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

During our one-on-one session 0(or as a group if possible) we will make our Characters on D&D Beyond, making sure our stats are correct as well choosing our backstory and assigning our free feat. After that I will import your characters over to FoundryVTT and help make your character's token! We will start at level 1, rapidly advance to 5(Should be level 2 after the first session, and then level 3 up to 2 sessions after that) and then make our way towards 11 by the end of the module, going to 13 with the Expansion written by Dragonlance Nexus, we may turn the campaign into a homebrew campaign afterwards or skip to do a level 20 Finale!

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

D&D Beyond

Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Tuesday - 12:00 AM UTC

Apr 15 / Session 17

3-3.5 Hour duration

3 / 6 Seats filled


Tue, Apr 15 | 12:00 AM - Session 17

Tue, Apr 22 | 12:00 AM - Session 18

Tue, Apr 29 | 12:00 AM - Session 19

Tue, May 06 | 12:00 AM - Session 20

Tue, May 13 | 12:00 AM - Session 21


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 5 players have joined