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Count Camerox

Count Camerox (he/him)



2 years on StartPlaying

1325 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Storytelling

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

I always loved creating fascinating stories and situations for player characters to react and solve. My promise is that sessions will be engaging, intense, and dramatic, as we experience the stories of the world and our characters unfold before our eyes. Writing this after doing over 40 sessions for SPG. I first got into DMing for DnD for family and friends, eventually branching out to online communities. While I maintain those sessions I also was curious if I could make a living out of being a DM as all of the players I DMed for showed enthusiastic support and eagerness for each and every session. Branching out to SPG I started with just a single session, and they loved it. Then when Dragonlance released I put out a few more sessions that wouldn't conflict with my work schedule and with all of their enthusiastic love, support and encouragement for me as a DM and for the stories we tell as well as their eagerness for next session "Is it (session day) yet?" I decided to try to make this silly hobby a full time job. I would not be doing this without the massive amount of support and encouragement from my players. With that, I would like to invite you to join our community. I have been making stories with systems similar to DnD since I was in Highschool. When I started playing DnD and eventually gained the confidence to become a DM in every game I was in my players kept asking me to extend the session length, even upwards of lasting the whole day. Then when I learned people have made a living doing this I decided to reach out to StartPlayGames and see what I can add to this community!

GM Style

I love setting scenes for dramatic action and combat that characters are willing to risk their lives to succeed in for a greater goal. But the most important thing is inclusivity and that everyone is having fun no matter the player preference. I ensure that in my games there to be something enjoyable for everyone in every session! My 3 most important Pillars as a DM 1. Pacing Making sure the story moves at a steady pace and doesn't drag. You'll never find a whole session being taken up by a shopping trip here. 2. Grounded Making sure the story, lore, combat, and characters interact with each other and reflect on one another. Every action and inaction creates echos and nothing comes out of left field. 3. Character Autonomy Allowing room for characters to explore the world they are in beyond the confines of the module. If the party as a whole would realistically do something off-base then there will be tertiary places and stories to explore!

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.