Pirates of Drinax (M2e Traveller) **FREE SESSION ZERO**
Traveller | Campaign
About the adventure
In the Pirates of Drinax, the Travellers play a band of adventurers entrusted by the King of Planet Drinax with a letter of marque, permitting them to prey on ‘illegal’ trade within the borders of the vanished kingdom. The King hopes this piracy will give him the leverage he needs to restore Drinax to its former glory, and intends for the Travellers to win back all the planets lost over the last two centuries – but the King’s plans are just the starting point for this campaign. Once the Travellers have their letter of marque and ship, it’s up to you what to do next. Will you stay loyal to their patron and help restore Drinax? Will you turn rogue and create your own kingdom? Will you be heroes or monsters, pirates or privateers? Will you make your fortune amid the pitiless stars, or will the cold depths of the Trojan Reach be their grave? ----- The Pirates of Drinax is an amazing sandbox campaign that starts with brand new Travellers and lets the party work towards becoming the masters of your own destiny in whatever way you define that. The campaign is full of politics, warfare, intrigue, even romance and (most especially) high adventure in space.
This is a weekly 3-3.5 hour session for the expansive Pirates of Drinax campaign. Because there is violence, alcohol, gambling, and other grown up stuff in this, 18+ only please! Once you sign up through Start Playing Games, I will send you a link to the Discord server we'll be playing on. Keep an eye out for an email with that link!
Game Master Reviews (43)
Players say this GM is great at:
Josh is a truly excellent GM. He is incredibly responsive and creative with any challenge, and puts together top-tier adventures and scenes for you to play through. His game felt well-paced, lively, and teeming with suspense at every corner. Highly recommend you play with him if you get the chance!
Josh is a great GM. He brings a high level of professionalism and energy to every session, and excels at balancing world-building, inhabiting his NPCs, and collaborating with the players to make sure everyone has a good time developing and experiencing the ongoing story of the campaign.
One of the best games I have been in. His games have complex storylines and good foreshadowing with plenty of breadcrumbs to follow. His story is engaging and enjoyable. Always working to include everybody in the group so everybody feels directly involved in the story. As a DM and GM myself with several game systems under my belt, I have learned a lot by playing in his game. He involves homemade settings with visuals and music, which helps with the immersion. The danger level is enough to keep us from being stupid, and keep us on our toes, not so much as to be insurmountable. His game has a lot of real depth.
Additional details
How to prepare
You will need a mic good enough that everyone can understand you. We will be using Foundry VTT and Discord. Foundry is a web-based VTT, so all you need is a web browser. It handles characters sheets, dice rolling, and all of the other tools we will need to play. Discord is an application we use to talk to each other and post funny gifs during the game.
What I provide
Foundry VTT License, Mongoose 2e Traveller and the Pirates of Drinax Campaign, maps and artwork based around your characters, and story lines and plot hooks tailored to your party and characters
Gameplay details
Before the game begins, I'll reach out to all players individually over Discord to discuss content that they might not want in the game privately. We will be starting with a session zero where we make characters together, discuss content, touch on some table manners, and find out where we want to focus of this campaign to be. Once we start the campaign proper, we'll be using a stoplight system to help us moderate anything going on during a session. ***Note: Psionics (Traveller's equivalent of magic users) are extremely rare individuals. You wont be able to create a Psionic during character creation, but you may become psionic during the course of the campaign.***
Content warnings
• Alcohol Use
• Blood
• Death
• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)
• Guns
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Debriefing
• Open Door
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
We will create characters together during session zero, including connections between Player Character's so they have a good reason to be adventuring together before the game begins. ***Note: Psionics (Traveller's equivalent of magic users) are extremely rare individuals. You wont be able to create a Psionic during character creation, but you may become psionic during the course of the campaign.***
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Discord
• Foundry VTT
More upcoming games
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Sunday - 10:00 PM UTC
Mar 23 / Session 48
3-3.5 Hour duration
4 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Beginner
Age: 18+