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Unleashed Nightmares of Lamashtu!

Unleashed Nightmares of Lamashtu!

Pathfinder 1e | Campaign

About the adventure

Trade caravans coming and going from the City of Magnimar has been coming under attack. Reports of large, strange monsters of all sorts and descriptions have been reported by the few lucky survivors. All trade to and from the city has ground to a halt, crippling the economy. Can a group of heroes step up to save the city and uncover the reason behind the attacks?

Recruiting notes

Devastator (devastatorcwg old name) Discord profile for on-line voice chat/messaging. link: Any race/class allowed as long as it is on the Nethys site: Currently 14th level PCs with 20 point buy system. 185,000 starting gp to buy all your gear.



2 years on StartPlaying

79 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Inclusive, Creativity

Average response time: 3 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

A working microphone and a Roll20 account on a PC/tablet and of course a healthy dose of adventure! Will work with anyone new to Pathfinder and/or Roll20. All welcome regardless of experience! Discord account also required for in game chat/messaging.

What I provide

I will bring me, myself, and I along with a (hopefully) functional adventure! :)

Gameplay details

Standard dungeon crawl/wilderness exploration with some mystery/clue finding/puzzles. Heavy on combat tactics.

Content warnings

Safety tools used

Session 0

How will character creation work

Standard 20 point buy system for 1st level. Any class or race is allowed. Uses 1E Pathfinder charactermancer in Roll20. First game will be a session 0 for character creation.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used



/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Custom / Thursday - 10:30 PM UTC

Mar 27 / Session 76

2-4 Hour duration

7 / 8 Seats filled


Off Schedule

Thu, Mar 27 | 11:30 PM - Session 76

Thu, Apr 03 | 11:30 PM - Session 77

Thu, Apr 10 | 11:30 PM - Session 78


Experience required: Open to all

Age: All Ages