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Anthony P
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

11 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Visual Aid, Storytelling

About me

Hello adventures! My name is Anthony and I am a long time D&D enthusiast! I started playing at the age of 13 when my father started DM'ing for me and my friend. Since then I have taken the reigns and I have DM'ed for about 15 years now. I have experience across multiple editions of D&D as well as experience with other TTRPG's. I do my best to have an open and inclusive table that welcomes all. My main focus as a DM is to give everyone in the party a good time and to have fun! I implement several tools to help make my playing experience more immersive, like the use of 3D models and first person views of your characters as well as roll20, back ground music, sound effects and even a voice modulator for the most immersive experience possible! If you want to check out some of the previous games I’ve hosted feel free to check out my Twitch! I don’t stream all of my games, only the ones the table agrees too :)

GM Style

One of my favorite things about D&D is having new player’s experience the game for the first time. When the party solves their first puzzle, defeats their first boss or even gets their first magic items it’s so rewarding to see everyone’s reaction.My play style is a blend of RP and combat. Id say roughly 60/40 (favoring combat slightly more). I am not against adjusting my playstyle to suit the tables wants however. I do keep things PG-13 (some swearing and violence but nothing too gory or sexual) and I homebrew as needed to keep people on their toes :) I am somewhat flexible on the rules of the game so long as a resonible argument can be made. I am not a hardcore RaW (Rules as written) guy, but that being said I do appreciate players that do their best to stick to the rules and not try and game the system.

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