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2 years on StartPlaying

4 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Visual Aid, Creativity

About me

I've been playing the ol' clicky clack rocks for almost three decades. (I keep it vague like that so I can feel young at heart.) But what, I hear you asking, did I do with all of my non-D&D time in the ages before professional DMs were a thing? My time outside of the game is spent as a professional actor and writer. I've trained at Second City in Improv and live my life on stage and in front of the camera. The game can really be broken up into two parts. Table Top and Role Playing. I'm a big fan of the Table Top aspect, a good crunchy combat where someone pulls an ace counterspell at the right time just hits the action itch. I stick to the mechanics as best I can so they can become second nature and seamless to the gameplay. That way we can have fun with the Role Playing aspect. I use Foundry and Roll20 for managing maps, images, and combat. I'm no stranger to doing entirely theater of the mind either. Take a look at some of the streams I've done with Perception Studio for some examples. The Werewolves of Carcassonne: Birds of a Feather Heist Together: Tales of the Tense River Basin:

GM Style

As a DM I very much enjoy seeing what happens when the PCs get one up on the adventure as planned. Real character agency is why we aren't just playing a video game. My games are sandbox style. So if your interest is in doing a one shot monster hunting adventure, we can do that. Or if you want to pursue a mysterious sound in the north of town, we can do that. There are plot threads hanging all around, too many to chase them all. There is always a plan, but the second step of the plan is to abandon it and go with the whims of the PCs that day. Comedy is key to adventure, I create whimsical worlds that are still rooted in some measure or satire of realism.

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