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1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Oh Good I’m 24, And I’ve evolved into a Mushroom Lord. Hi, I’m Shin, I’m a guy from Ohio, and I’m just some dude who likes being stupid on the internet and playing dice games. I’m typically very laid back but I can get very passionate and get extremely into niche things, and I love video games and television shows and movies, as well as books and RPGs. I like to make friends with my players or at least be friendly, and I’m typically good natured, when I’m not sleep deprived. My Experience: Now DM-ing for about two years or more, I now realize with the dread only someone aging rapidly can, and I started out with 5e as most have but quickly branched out into many other systems. I now regularly run 5e and PTU, dabble in Pathfinder, and am sticking my toes into other things like Essence 20, finding myself constantly interested in growing my hoard of books and learning new things. I love trying new systems regularly, and I’m a fast learner.

GM Style

My GM Style: I’d describe myself as very balanced. I adore goofing around with my players when times call for it, but also enjoy serious scenes or drama, so I’d say the setting and the story call for an adaptation of how I act. I go into a game hyping myself up to bring to life the environment as best I can, though my innate goofiness can’t help but slip the façade. You can’t have ANY story without levity, after all. Horror is meaningless without release, tragedy is the other mask with comedy, and action must be tempered with realistic humor, so I tend to take the time to joke. getting those running gags going is too good sometimes. I’m always changing, as humans are wont to do, so I always try new things and I’m eager to help players work on a character and make them special and fun, as well as I have a backlog of things to do and games to run. I might be different this year to the next and so on, and variety is the spice of life. For these reasons you can say I’m something of a mix of everything: Narrator, Warlord, NPC Hoarder, Creator, Free Spirit, Improviser, Chaos Gremlin, and Immerser, with a dash of homebrew to boot. Wonder what those all combine to make?

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