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Cost Per Player

Voice Actor
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Greetings! As an experienced Game Master with a passion for immersive storytelling and a deep understanding of the Pathfinder system, I offer you a unique and captivating gaming experience. With over 5 years of GMing expertise in Pathfinder 1e and even a successful Level 1-20 Pathfinder 2e Homebrew campaign under my belt, I possess the knowledge and skills to guide you through thrilling adventures. But that's not all, as a versatile voice actor, I breathe life into characters, creating memorable and engaging encounters. My storytelling abilities ensure that every session is filled with rich narratives, intriguing plot twists, and unforgettable moments. When you choose me as your GM, you can expect a meticulously prepared world, balanced encounters, and personalized attention to each player's goals and preferences. Join me on this immersive journey, where your choices shape the destiny of heroes. Together, let's create epic tales that will be cherished for years to come.

GM Style

In my role as a Game Master, I prioritize player-driven stories and the exploration of innovative ideas within the game world. My GM style is centered around fostering creativity and empowering players to actively shape the narrative. I embrace a "Yes, with a limitation" mindset, rather than outright rejecting player ideas that may deviate from the intended rules of the game. I believe that unique solutions and unexpected approaches often lead to the most memorable and exciting moments at the gaming table. By encouraging players to think outside the box, I provide a supportive environment where their ideas can flourish. Additionally, I strive to maintain a fair and balanced gameplay experience by establishing reasonable limitations and ensuring that all players have an opportunity to contribute. Together, we embark on an unforgettable journey where collaboration, adaptability, and imagination reign supreme. Join me in discovering the endless possibilities that lie within our shared storytelling adventure.

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