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Sebastian Tai (he/him)
1 year on StartPlaying
Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Rule of Cool
About me
Hey Adventurers! I've been a game master for DnD5e for the past 5 years, but I feel like I've been preparing to be a storyteller for my whole life. I've always been a voracious reader and a lover of stories - the first novel I read was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 1st grade. Soon thereafter I became hyper-focused on Greek mythology and then branched off into the vast collection of mythological stories from around the globe (including but not limited to: Roman, Norse, Aztec, British, German, Japanese, Chinese, Indian and Slavic). When I was 10, I found a passion for the lore of the tabletop wargame Warhammer 40k, which I continue to explore to this day; I've read literally hundreds of novels related to that setting. I also learned to play the game, which was my first real introduction to complicated rulesets. I am not generally complacent with partial understanding, an attitude that has lead me to take deep dives into a very wide array of topics. I am constantly searching for new areas where I can learn and explore the answers to newfound questions. In the years since high school, I completed a bachelors degree in finance, and I'm currently studying for another degree in supply chain management. I find both of which are useful when running roleplaying games, as I can utilize the knowledge I have of real-world systems to enhance the verisimilitude in my settings. I plan to continue with my education for the foreseeable future, as I aim to apply to law school after I finish my education in supply chain management. I've noticed how significantly and substantially my weekly DnD sessions improved over the last five years, and I want to be able to provide awesome roleplaying experiences that emotionally engage players as well as create epic challenges for them to overcome. I have experience with running several of the official campaign books from Wizards of the Coast, including Out of the Abyss, Acquisitions Incorporated, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. I've found that my skill at designing encounters has progressed to the point where I am consistently able to design challenging and difficult encounters that foment real feelings of accomplishment in party members. Storytelling is my lifelong passion, and I hope that you'll join me to create wonderful, memorable experiences. Sincerely, Sebastian Tai
GM Style
While I'm not a voice actor, I do try to maintain character voices. My success there is subjective, but I am able to write strong characters and create interesting roleplay situations. I love to provide very detailed descriptions that characters are drawn to explore. I also engage with players to develop their characters from the start and create custom quests that engage with backstories (typically 1 per player per campaign)
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