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2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Storytelling

About me

Ive been playing D&D for the past 17 years and have decided to take the leap into the DM pool.

GM Style

I'm still building my style up, and its very fluid right now, but I lean towards providing a narrator for the story that the PC's are writing. My NPC's exist and have their own lives and dreams and sometimes the PC's will interact with them and build a new branch, and sometimes the PC's just get a glimpse into the lives of the people around them. "Monsters" have their own motivations as well, and this makes for a more involved experience since they can be talked to, reasoned with, and negotiated with - at least the intelligent ones. I try to provide strategic combat and strong RP opportunities. My intelligent "Bad Guys" aren't stupid and are not going to politely line up to be incinerated by your fireball or stand in front of the tanking barbarian while the wizard stands in the back and lobs magical spells their way. They are going to do their best to survive encounters, which means my PC's sometimes find themselves fighting creatures just as cunning as they are. But I also don't turn the game into a GM vs Player situation. I have played in those games far too many times to count and it is never fun. I cheer for my players when they land a good hit. I am fair though - sometimes fair isn't always good. If the opponent critically hits you - there are no fudged rolls. I might give you a chance to save yourself, or a party member to save you, if its an ability check or something similar, but combat is fair for both sides. I feel that it adds a level of immersion knowing that the GM isn't going to save you. I am working on other parts of my DMing, like doing better descriptions and fleshing out my voice acting. I am also starting to experiment with music for atmosphere and combat.

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