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1 year on StartPlaying

65 games hosted

Highly rated for: Visual Aid, Sets the Mood, Teacher

About me

Hello! I'm Plundy and I love to homebrew and craft adventures to each player so that they can each have a unique experience that goes to a place neither the player or I would have expected at the start, changing the world even if in a small part in the process. I like to bring my background of a graphic designer, illustrator, and indie game designer to help realize the world the players inhabit and how they can change it with their actions.

GM style

Combat: I thoroughly enjoy combat and giving interesting encounters to players. I do understand there are many that are not super invested in combat and that it can drag on forever for encounters. Using Foundry VTT lets most things be automatically rolled and makes combat more snappy so that encounters do not last hours with players asking where people are or what is happening. I have found that even the people not invested in combat enjoy it more when it doesn't drag and they can actively see and understand what is happening. I spoil my players to make them powerful, so I like to set them up with challenging encounters to flex or test those abilities. Roleplay: Even as an avid enjoyer of combat, some of my most fun sessions that make me fall in love with rpg's have been with no combat involved in the session at all. Involving each player's character into the world and have their choices actually matter with impacting the world as the game evolves is some of the most rewarding parts of TTRPGs. I try to run a cooperative team-based game, unless it is a battle royale setting. I encourage new players and veterans. With the Isekrpg setting if you are a new player and are not comfortable role playing you don't really have to. You are playing yourself, so just immerse yourself into the new world you are in. I try to have every player shine, I try to cater events to each players character and want to help their visions of where they want to take that character as much as you do. I use Foundry VTT so that most things are automated and you don't have to remember that someone has a status effect or resistance to damage. If you ever have questions of how to do something just ask and I will try to help, though the system is usually pretty easy to get used to. I want the space to be a safe space for everyone to enjoy. I have zero tolerance for slurs or targeted attacks against individuals or groups. These games are supposed to be safe spaces to immerse yourself in another fantastical world and should be that way for everyone. I hope we can go on great journeys together! You can always contact me on here or join my Discord if you have any questions for me! Discord:

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