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Nicholas Blaettler aka pimliOprentiss

2 years on StartPlaying

135 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

I have been an avid TTRPG player since 2000 when the hobby was introduced to me. D&D was my first & the system I have the most experience with. I've played many different systems over the years, mostly d20 based. I like to make the story feel unique & personal by using what players provide me with (backstory, role play, decription of their character) to craft an experience that is not soon to be forgotten. I give attention to all players at the table & lean in to what each person likes about the game/their character as much as possible. Last, I like to see the players at the table having fun. Nothing is more rewarding as a DM than when players are eager to attend the next session becasue they are having so much fun at the table. *sheds a single tear* So, please have a seat at my table. Relax your mind & body as we set off on an amazing adventure together!

GM Style

I tend to lean into combat & roleplay far more than puzzles. I give all players at the table time to shine. I like seeing the creativity of my players in real time & enjoy being tested by unexpected ideas or actions. I like to see smiling faces & knowing that the players are enjoying themselves. I play by the "honor system" meaning that while I will collect & review character sheets at character creation & check in on abilities, ammo, spell slots, etc. occasionally; I trust players to run their own characters & be truthful about any dice rolls.

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