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Chris (he/him)



Less than a year on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Inclusive

About me

Long-time player, been GMing a weekly game for the past year. Now I'm looking to share my interests with other players in need of a GM! Who am I? Well, first and foremost, a worldbuilder. I've had a fully-original far-future sci-fi setting in the works for so long now that my earliest notes are faded, illegible, and even lost. That was borne of my love of Star Trek, even before TNG came out, and heavily influenced by a voracious consumption of science-fiction books and TV series. It's something I've never let die out, filling notebooks and sketchpads over time, and leading to me running two campaigns in the settings back around the late 90s and early-aughts. Second, a "recovering theater kid." I soaked up creative writing and drama classes like a sponge, got up on stage in spite of my own nerves countless times, and realized that at the end of the day, I like the thrill of the performance. Given an audience, I'll find something to say, and if you give me a topic that YOU like, I'll try to make that the focus so that you're having a good time as well. Third, a pop-culture lexicon. From the original Transformers cartoon in 1984 to prestige science fiction on streaming right now, I absorb stories and commit many of them to memory, which serves to fuel my original creations, and the games I plan to run here. Beyond that? Husband, technology professional, and the full-time staff to two adorable rescue cats. Xennial, born right on the edge of two generations, polymath, and a jack of all trades. I've played at diverse tables, run diverse tables, and welcomed all-comers to my games-- to a point. My politics absolutely inform my behaviors and actions, and that includes the old chestnut of the paradox of tolerance: To be tolerant, we cannot tolerate the intolerant. I'll wear my heart on my sleeve on that point. What that means: I run an inclusive table. My personal lack of identity tags notwithstanding, at my VTT/Discord, we respect pronouns, identities, and above all, people. If you're bothered by the idea of DEI, or think that some people are "too woke," kindly seek another table. Thank you!

GM Style

I'm very much story-first, the sort of person who wants to make a world that makes sense, to build things out in a sandbox... and then let my players run loose on it. I love roleplay, I try to give NPCs unique voices, and I look at TTRPGs as basically a table improv session where it's my job to give you something to play with. What do I run? Pop-culture Overload. Essence20 is, for lack of a better description, the official system of Hasbro's toy properties, including Transformers, GI Joe, and Power Rangers. I've taken those three settings, inconsistencies and all, and worked to weave them into a single 'verse in which everything coexists-- at least in due time. Going off of that, I've thrown in the rest of the toybox, and my campaign setting has incorporated bits of Inhumanoids, MASK, Jem and the Holograms, Challenge of the GoBots, Jurassic Park, Bionic Six, Atomic Robo, Stargate SG-1, Japanese Spider-Man-- and those are just the parts that my players have noticed! This also gives me tremendous latitude to adapt and embrace, though you might need to give me a couple of weeks to get up to speed on franchises where I'm less well-versed. If I can take the franchise seriously-- and by that, I don't mean "without a sense of humor," but "with the love and respect that it deserves--" then I'm likely to weave it into the backstory. That includes the PCs themselves. If I can make it work, you can have it, and if I can't? Well, you probably can't have it YET. Where am I weak? Crunchy tactical combat. I'm far more inclined to go with the Rule of Cool-- within reason-- especially if everyone at the table is having fun.

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