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MadCap (he/him)



1 year on StartPlaying

124 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Rule of Cool

Average response time: 3 hours

Response rate: 100%

About me

"As you step into the candle-lit tavern, your senses come alive. The smell of alcohol soaked wood. The echo of your footfalls on the stone floor. The slight temperature change. You want nothing more than something to clear the dust of the road from your throat. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust, and as they do you see a man behind the bar, absently polishing a cup. He stops and motions you closer with his eyes." Hello. My name is Chris, but you can call me Cap. I am a DM/player with five years of experience in the 5e system. My favorite aspect of TTRPG is the collaborative story telling. While rolling tons of math rocks and battling monsters is amazing, being a part of an overall narrative that veers off into unexpected and surprising ways is pure chef's kiss. I pride myself on running a fun and welcoming table. Everyone from first timers to seasoned vets have seats with me and I am always available to my players for questions and comments. So, brave adventurer, if you would kindly speak to the tavern keeper. He is in desperate need of your talents.

GM Style

I personalize my games for each group. Are you an actor at heart? I use character voices and improv skills to create living, breathing scenes with your character. Prefer rolling dice? My combats are tough but fair and can last entire sessions. Do you like to think outside the box? I live by the rule of cool and work with you to reward creative solutions. "It's DnD. You can TRY whatever you want".

Game platforms used
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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