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2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, World Builder, Visual Aid

About me

Lumbear here, or Matt if you prefer! 27 years old, Canadian, and owner of a lovely little polar bear. I run games on Roll20 professionally and have been for 3 years; currently DMing 9 games weekly in my HB world and always looking for new groups to play with! What does Iron and Shackles offer that justifies a donation of your hard-earned cash, well that's a good question, and hopefully the following might shine some light on why the games I run are well worth the investment: - Custom campaign setting that offers a fresh look at many of the typical D&D tropes; exploring them in a vivid and punishing world. An effort has been invested to have Iron and Shackles present a dark and hyper-realistic look at an alternative history where humanity has battled its way to the top; leaving a trail of suffering to all who were climbed over in the process. - An invested DM who is dedicated to providing a memorable campaign for all involved and making certain each session is worth every penny and minute invested by the players. - Meticulous preparation for each and every session; each of which runs as scheduled - Professionally made maps, customized to the encounter of the party; complete with interactive Dynamic Lighting, animated assets, sound effects, and atmospheric tunes - Dozens of excellent API scripts that ease some of the administration of a character sheet, moving through combat, and organizing the session's overall progression. - Unique Homebrew rules that give players more options in combat and provide a higher sense of capability to each player; you are heroes, after all, you should be able to fight like one. - A thriving and interactive community that shares your love for D&D and all things Fantasy! If you are interested in hearing more about what's going on with Iron and Shackles add me on discord Lumbear#1107! Looking forward to playing with you!

GM style

With Lumbear at the helm of your D&D adventure, you can expect an expansive world customized to the finest detail to explore; filled with engaging questlines with emotional and difficult choices that will bring the values of your character to light. The world is populated with complex problems and lively NPCs that are written and voiced to the best of my ability. As an artist, I strive to bring a creative and ascetic touch to my world through assets and artwork to help immerse the players in the story. Some interesting additions to the rules and difficult combat set in a dark world really allow the players to feel the power a hero should have; this is complemented by a DM with a good grasp of the rules and the wisdom to know when the few times they should be altered for the sake of the story. Outside the session time, you can expect a DM who is invested in your character and you as a person; trying his best to welcome you into the little D&D community that has formed around the games being run. Ultimately the most important thing you will find is a DM that values you having an incredibly D&D experience with a group of amazing people!

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