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2 years on StartPlaying

20 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling

Average response time: 3 hours

Response rate: 100%

About me

I am Legend, a Handler for Delta Green: The Roleplaying Game. I find storytelling and collaboration to be the most valuable qualities for a successful game. I've been running Delta Green for three years and enjoy writing my own scenarios. My mission, which I self refer to as Project BEACON, is to combat isolation, a leading cause of suicides, by connecting people through the power, nay, the MAGIC of collaborative storytelling and improvisational role play. My goal is to start an actual play podcast. I am a veteran, currently a carpenter by trade. I do life with my wife of 14 years and my three kids. When I'm not running games I enjoy an active lifestyle, the outdoors, and reading.

GM Style

In order to run an adventure, I must first become the adventure. Do I consume it or does it consume me? This is no small trick...I must become the big bad evil guy and act as they would act. The same may be said for the travelling merchant or tavern keeper. Once players sit down at the table, the adventure becomes a dance. As you, the player, pretends to be someone else, we dance. I lead you to feel as your character would feel-fear, joy, sorrow. I lead you to act as your character might act- do boldy step into fate or strategically retreat to live another day? Who is leading who now? We never know where this dance may lead. As others join in, a story is told in the tracks of our steps. Let us not forget the dice. The dice sing. They orchestrate the music to which we dance and we never know what masterpiece they will compose until we cease to dance. There are rules to the dance, sure. But they are only the boundaries that define the dance floor...the dance floor that belongs to us. We may forget the steps but the dance must go on. Will you dance with me?

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