Laine (she/they)
2 years on StartPlaying
304 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Storytelling
Average response time: Under 1 hour
Response rate: 100%
About me
Hi, I’m Laine! And I absolutely love ttrpgs. They are such a fun collaborative and creative outlet. It all started with a one-off between me and friends and I was hooked. My hope is to provide a fun space for everyone to explore stories and characters outside of the everyday. My favorite systems include Monsterhearts, Monster of the Week, and Thirsty Sword Lesbians! Most Powered by the Apocalypse games are a yes for me!
GM Style
Role-play is my favorite part of any ttrpg. I love diving into characters and stories and figuring out what makes them tick. I am driven by narrative and player participation first. I seek to make the game about the players and make sure their safety and entertainment are first priority. What You Can Expect From Me: I will only work with players who are 18+ in age. I work best leading groups of 2–6. I am not available for solo (1 on 1) campaigns. Sex happens sometimes, but I do not run games where sex and sexuality are the primary focus. I do run NSFW games, but the story always takes priority. I want to make your campaign fun, engaging, and exciting! If I feel that my mental and physical health are not up to that task, I reserve the right to reschedule within a reasonable timeframe. I want to be at my best for you! I reserve the right to end sessions early if I feel we’re at a good stopping point or if I feel like continuing would harm the health of the game. What I Expect From You: I reserve the right to remove any player who continues to exhibit any of the following behaviors after one (1) warning. -Leaving other players or the GM feeling demeaned, de-energized, disrespected, and/or oppressed, -Engaging in passive-aggressiveness when they don’t like the way the story is progressing, -A lack of participation that affects the progression of the game, -Attempting to create an environment that compromises the equality of character importance, or that assumes their character should be treated as the lead, -A lack of interest in conflict management and resolution. -Making degrading comments about race, religion and religious figures, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity. Any player who chooses to leave rather than resolve a conflict or alter any rule-breaking behavior may not be allowed to return. Participation in any of my games signifies an agreement to these guidelines, as well as grants me permission to message you with whatever warnings or check-ins I deem necessary. I want to make sure your campaign is the best it can possibly be, and I’m confident that adherence to these guidelines will ensure that everyone has a great time.
Game platforms used
Laine 's Games
Game Master Reviews (23)
Players say this GM is great at:
Laine crafted a wonderful experience for Bluebeard's Bride. An artful balance of horror, tension, and investigation at a pace which kept a chill alive under the skin with a thrilling (manageable) panic. I can't wait to play with Laine again, and would highly recommend her table!
Laine ran a FANTASTIC session of Bluebeard's Bride that I got to participate in as an early birthday present. They did a great job of balancing time between all four of the players, and got us to the story's end without it feeling rushed (though we went a bit over - oops!). The questions she used, whether from the sourcebook or as follow-ups on our answers, dug deep into our thought process behind our actions and answers in a way that I will probably steal for my own games, ha ha! Laine runs a great game; I highly recommend booking a game with them!
I joined a few sessions into an existing game, but Laine got me up to speed and into the story without any issues, and I felt like my character had immediate agency in the story, and not an outsider. Laine is great at giving each player their time in the spotlight and allows them to have discourse between other players and npcs without overpushing in any direction. In short, definitely check out her games if you get the chance, you won't be disappointed!
Laine allowed for so much creativity when Hannah and I played Good Society. Her questions were open-ended enough to allow us room to envision and create a world and characters, but also specific enough that we felt like the game had direction and momentum. I really enjoyed having a chance to learn how Good Society works in practice!
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