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1 year on StartPlaying

12 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Sets the Mood

About me

I, like many others, started my DnD journey during the Pandemic. I immediately fell in love with the game. I jumped in with both feet becoming a DM for a local group within the first 3 months of starting as a player. I have a passion for storytelling and really want to bring my games to others and being able to make money from such a passion is really a dream for me. I want to do my best to provide an amazing experience to everyone, at a fair price, and make the story and adventure and your character's story the forefront of the experience! I am absolutely 100% inclusive and LGBTQ+ friendly.

GM Style

The collaborative storytelling process of DnD is what I'm here for, and being able to provide a fun experience for everyone at my table is what drives my passion. I like to run my games according to the group. If its a lot of stabby people then we can have more hack and slash combats and dungeon crawling. If the group is more diplomatic then we can have a lot more social npc interactions. Every table is different so I try to accommodate as best as possible. I try to have maps, music and sound effects for most situations, but some sessions may have a bit of theatre of the mind. As for homebrew character stuff, I don't go too crazy with it but a small change here and there can be made if need be.

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