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3 years on StartPlaying
270 games hosted
Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Creativity, Voices
About me
Hey! I've been playing D&D almost my whole life and I've been running the game as a DM since 2016. My longest running full campaign went for just almost three years! I'm currently running Curse of Strahd, Waterdeep Dragon Heist and Dungeon of the Mad Mage, and a homebrewed epic levels campaign. I love the challenges that come with being a DM and all the different characters I get to play! I have a broad range of voices I can use to "change" NPCs (and a voice modulator for those ranges I can't reach). I run my games on FoundryVTT with animated attacks and spells and intergrations from D&D Beyond. I have a soundboard that my players get to customize and use soundscapes to enhance the experience! I mave a Master Level Subscription, allowing me to share with my players all the resources I've purchased there. The quickest way to reach me is through Discord! Send me a friend request and let me know you came from SPG.
GM Style
I love roleplaying! I make crazy voices! I make crazy encounters, sometimes characters die :(. I love making a narrative with my players that they talk about years later ......like that roasted pig being reanimated.... I love it when the players do inventive and cool things, but not things that make other players angry on purpose. Trolls are monsters. Players should not be trolls. I love to homebrew whole campaigns, like an adventurer's league style of campaign where you face unique challenges every session. I love chaos in my games, like a d10,000 wild magic table with crazy results. I really like introducing players to challenges and monsters they may never have seen before, and enjoy using 3rd party, balanced resources to help accomplish this. I have a resource with over 400 monsters you may have never seen before ;). To that point, I use the milestone progression option for leveling up. It allows you as a player to experience more of the challenge appropriate critters. I prefer players who at least know what they want from a game and a good understanding of the rules. You don't have to be a veteran, expert D&D player to join up, but I expect you to know what your character can accomplish. If you want to play evil aligned characters, I'm cool with that if the whole table is playing along. If all the characters are evil, it just jives a little better. Pranks aren't evil within reason, but I may ask you why or if your character would actually do that. If you min-max, be prepared for homebrewed creatures that are just as unbalanced or overpowered. I will shamelessly take inspiration from ANY source. Critical Role? Every week. Avatar: The Last Airbender? That library in the desert is awesome. Full Metal Alchemist? .....Big Brother?... Wait, let's not talk about that....Adventure Time? It's a knife storm!
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