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Justin Butterworth

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Howdy! I've been DMing using 5th edition D&D since 2014, pretty soon after the release of the 5th edition Player's Handbook. Before then, I DM'd for a small group of friends using 3.5 for about a year. I've played a few other systems over the years, but 5th edition is by far my favorite: I absolutely adore how accessible 5th edition has made D&D with how easy it is to pick up! I've run for a wide range of folks, including more than a few newcomers. I introduced several friend circles to the game and have fondly watched as several of them became the DM of their very own amazing games. I ran a Dungeons and Dragons/TTRPG club for a couple years during university, and I've always been fascinated with how swiftly D&D allows strangers to get to know each other through their shared epic (and often silly) D&D tales.

GM Style

As far as my DMing style goes, I always endeavor to facilitate my players' stories. I love customizing games to engage each character's story specifically, whether I'm running an official module or a homebrewed story. Every group is different, and I try to tailor the game I'm running to whatever a particular group finds to be the most fun. My goal every session is to give every character a chance to shine, always hoping to deliver a session that everyone will remember fondly for their own reasons. Of course, improvements can always be made, and lots of my time is devoted to contemplating how to further improve campaigns I am running based on feedback. I enjoy running campaigns ranging from long-term campaigns to self-contained one-shots. I am a big believer in a "Session Zero" to establish expectations for long-term campaigns. Official published adventures and homebrewed stories are both an absolute blast to run.

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