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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

I just played a game hosted by Brady (GM Gannicus) and had an absolute blast! It was like being a kid playing with lightsabers in the garden all over again! I have been thinking about GMing for a long time and have been encouraged to do so by friends and family, so here I am! I'm looking to run games in Star Wars FFG (any version), and Genesys. I'll be running through stock adventures to start with but I'll be looking at writing my own campaign in the near future!

GM style

I love Star Wars and the adventures that players have. I like to be led by the players and where they want to go. Want to go completely off track and challenge me to scramble for answers? DO IT 😉 I love combat but I also love narrative adventure, not every session has to be all battle especially in Star Wars as the battles start and end so fast! I'm all about making sure you have fun as a player, so let me know your expectations and let's have a blast!

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters
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  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.