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Ryan M.

2 years on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Inclusive, Creativity

About me

Hello Adventurers! My name is Ryan and I am so excited to DM for you all. I am a Dungeon Master for D&D 5e and have over 10 years of experience with running and hosting my own D&D games. I love creating new worlds and experiences for my players to enjoy and grow with me, doing my best to make everything from storytelling & roleplaying to actual worldbuilding a cooperative experience. That's really why I started wanting to start hosting D&D games here in the first place. I want everyone to have the opportunity to play D&D, no matter who they are, and since I love being a DM and making the stories instead of playing through them, I thought it fit perfectly. I will never turn anyone away from my table for how they look, present themselves, their orientations, or otherwise. My table is a safe space for everyone involved and I will do whatever is necessary to maintain that. Ultimately, I just want everyone to have a good time and I look forward to telling new stories and creating vast new lands with you all!

GM Style

I would like to put my style as a bit of a well-rounded one. I certainly do like my combat, and when there is a a battle, you can bet those enemies will come out swinging as hard as they can. That being said, not every moment is combat. I love roleplay, and having a deep well told story between the players is more important to me than trying to kill with every single encounter. Roleplay & Exploration will take up most of every session unless we are in a dungeon or otherwise enemy infested area, then you can expect plenty of combat. All of this is true. However, the players in my games control where the group goes. I don't railroad (Unless people go absolutely crazy, then I have to steer them back for a little bit) and I want the players to choose the path of the session or campaign. I'll just create the story along the path you choose. Finally, I do like my sessions to have a certain level of seriousness to them. With the characters actually having story motivation and not just being made to be joke characters. I love a good balance between light-hearted & serious roleplay, with the characters being able to shine in both.

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