Greek George
2 years on StartPlaying
Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Teacher
About me
I’ve been DMIng since I was 10. I am 55 now. Would like to share my love of storytelling and social aspects of TTRPGs with more people and make a basic income from it. Would be excited to do something I love part to full time! I am currently running a year-long Rime of the Frostmaiden (set in Eberron) at home on Sundays, and I DM/organize the Thursday Adventurer’s League Game Night at the FLGS since 3rd edition D&D. Otherwise I plan to run games online M-T-W-F-S. I am going to start with a few offerings and modify what I run as I see what players are asking for. Likely evening/night time slots but that can also be tweaked. I have a congestive heart failure disability and I’ve done rideshare for 5+ years to just pay my bills. Gasoline has made that near impossible to make a basic living. Been looking for a work from home that allows me to control my schedule. My multi-year home campaign group suggested I try to share my DMing experience with a lot more folks!
GM Style
I enjoy a table/cast of characters that are interesting, fun, which lend to role playing and story, although a good combat is part of the mix. I like to do voices and accents, and ask for the same from players, although I don’t insist. I believe the DM is the Rule Zero but I like to follow the rules as written, with a tweak or bend on the fly to keep the game moving and discuss later. I am only now exploring online platform options, because at home I’ve gathered friends around the table and used a ton of minis and terrain/tiles. However, Theater-of-the-Mind as Critical Role and Legends of the Multiverse use, is where some great stories with intriguing characters unfold.
Games played
Game platforms used
Game Master Reviews (7)
Players say this GM is great at:
He is a great GM, works well with different players and their play styles. Very knowledgeable about rules, as well as new developments and updates in the gaming world. Would highly recommend for beginner and experienced players, and everyone in between. I’ve played a few campaigns with him and they’ve all been amazing!
One of the great things about George is That he allows freedom for creativity of our characters while at the same time Rilling us back when it becomes overly ridiculous on the building in a changing of characters. While playing he gives us A story that he can build in our minds while at the same time using modern movies and as such information to help understand what we’re seeing with what he is describing then he gives us to creative freedom to choose how we interact with story. His stories Are filled with A combination of mined teasers Action fighting Terrain navigation and just humor. I really do enjoy gaming with George
George has so much experience with D&D. He knows how things tie together in a bigger picture sort of way without making it confusing. He is really good and patient with people, and pays extra attention to new people to ensure they understand what is going on and how the game works. George is very friendly and welcoming. Highly recommended, 5/5 stars.
At our first session (session zero) over half of us players had little to no experience with the game and he helped each of us with character creation in a way that allowed us to bring out our own creative tastes. It was one of, if not the most welcoming atmospheres I've ever felt in the few other games I've been a part of.
George is, without a doubt, the best GM I've had the pleasure of playing with. I've been participating in his Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign for over a year now and every session leaves me craving more. George puts story before rules and creativity is the best stat you can have on your character. RP heavy and new player friendly, George puts his whole heart into his campaigns. You won't be disappointed.
I’ve used George as a DM for years. His games are very intricate and thought out with focus on each characters development. He can do the goofy games but is best with the seriously deep immersive stories that pull you in. Highly recommended and one of the best DMs I’ve not only used but even come across!
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