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2 years on StartPlaying

About me

Howdy! You can call me Ripley or Rip. I've been a regular game master for the last year, mostly in Pathfinder 2e. As a Game Master, I believe strongly in clear communication, tactical combat with stakes, and operating a world that feels lived in, believable, and reactive to player choices.

GM style

- I am conversational and friendly. - I try to challenge players but I've never had the urge to deliberately kill a character. - I bring a comfortable space to learn and play. If you have questions about the game, the VTT platform, or are trying to find your roleplay-legs, I'm totally here for it. - I'm not a trained actor, but I do like putting on monster-voices. - I like learning rules and playing by the rules, but not to an excessive degree. Sometimes it just makes more sense to handwave something small for brevity. - I run premade adventures. I tend to pick books that have themes, monsters, and art that I really want to watch come alive at a table. - Content is about as intense as a Marvel movie: probably a fair amount of gamified violence and creepy monsters, but nothing that would give our story an "R" rating. - I use lots of maps, visual aids, animations, and ambient background sounds - which unfortunately may make some of my games less accessible to those playing on older hardware. - I encourage players to act as a team. I don't have a lot of tolerance for characters that act at odds with the rest of the party, like spot-light hogging, hoarding loot, PvP, or general disruptive behavior.

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