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DMOD-Dave (he/him)



3 years on StartPlaying

About me

I'm an aspiring novelist who's written 5 novels in the last 4 years. I have a Masters in Writing Studies, I do hobbyist electronics, and I run games. I have worked professionally as a writer, editor, on tech support, and as a teacher. I've been playing and GMing various RPGs and marshaling for various LARPs for 18 year now. I'm a genderfluid individual, he/him pronouns for now just because they work. Any game I run will make use of the RPG Consent Checklist to make sure players and I are comfortable with all content that is present in the game. My focus as a GM is on the cooperative storytelling aspect of the game, and I want to understand the story that you want to tell when you're playing your character. As such, after initial negotiations regarding the game are complete as well as the RPG Consent Checklist for each player, Session 0 will always be free. It's important for players and the GM to meet, for us all to see if we can work as a group, and if the character concepts everyone has in mind will work. If by the end of Session 0 it is determined that the group's fit just isn't good, we can part ways with no money having changed hands and everyone comfortable knowing that nothing was lost. Hopefully though, my quirky sense of humor and flair for the dramatic is what you're looking for in your upcoming game. Most of the time, I run using a combination of Roll20 and Discord with relevant bots and tools. I am of course open to suggestions, and I love trying new things. Games I am currently offering are: -1st Edition Lancer -Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. (Note: Related Supplements are of course available on request, such as Savage RIFTS or the various compendiums.) -Dungeon World -Monster of the Week -FATE Core (Related supplements are available on request, or will be suggested depending on the style of game you want to play.) -D&D 5e. (But it's not my favorite.) Other systems may be available, I'm just not offering them due to personal preference. Alternatively, if you do have a system I'm not familiar with, you'll need to request them and give me time to research them. These are just the ones I'm currently offering. That said, I can't wait to meet you.

GM Style

I love roleplay with intricate plots and I do character voices. I like crunchy tactical combat, but one of the key reasons I prefer Savage Worlds over D&D 5e is that I don't like spending an entire session on a combat. I prefer it fast and vicious, because while combat is part of the experience, there is always the risk that it will become the only part of the experience depending on the system. I think the fiction created by the players is as important as any plot I want to make, and I like table interactions to allow for improvisation games about who players want their characters to be. I want my players to have a rollicking good time with solid mood music. I usually run over Discord with dicebots, or with Roll20 support if the game is supported by it. I like the stakes to be high and the situation to be sufficiently dramatic.

Game platforms used
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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