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Gabe (he/him)



2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Storytelling, Voices

About me

When I was 12 I got really excited about D&D. I looked up whether or not there was a club at my school. There was and I immediately joined, but as I was playing as my dwarven paladin I couldn't help noticing things I would do differently in the DM's shoes. I wanted to run games. So I did and I have been doing so for 10 years since. I won't promise you the perfect game because that's not something a game master can make. Perfect games come from a well crafted story and a group that hit it off well. I will promise you a well crafted story, interesting encounters, engaging antagonists, and well realized NPCs. I love running games and I am good at it. My games tend to be centered around a single plot with player character centered detours. I like the idea of a world where your characters are not at it's center. You are powerful people who circumstances have allowed to make a difference. Often times player choices will alter my expectations and the central plot will significantly diverge from it's original path. These are my favorite moments in game. I am a very skilled improvisational GM. I have improved whole three session adventures in 5e which are some of my favorite games I have ever run. I have a huge bag of tricks up my sleeve and an impeccable knowledge of the game systems that I run. My style allows me to react to any clever solutions to puzzles or encounters you think up. I know a bunch about published settings like Golarion and Forgotten Realms. I also have made my own homebrew worlds, many of them. I also love to make new worlds for players who want to include their own ideas into a new world. I use Roll20 for a VTT and DungeonDraft to make some of my maps. I like maps, there is a freedom that they give to players that can't be understated. They allow you to do something without speaking to me first. I feel that the more agency is given to players the better. I believe in rules. Rules are important to me. To me this is a simulation of events in a real world with wizards and dragons. Their is no weight to actions if the rules are not consistent. However, to not bog down the game I have the "hands of the chess piece" rule which basically means no retcons even if there was an error in the rules. I have a stop sign system and we will talk about topics to avoid and triggers before the first session.

GM Style

I have a kitchen-sink approach to gaming. Expect engaging NPCs with character voices, crunchy tactical combat, handouts, and well made battle maps. Expect deadly encounters. Most of the games that I run are deadly. I love to run dangerous games.

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