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1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hey to all my future players! I'm Roderick/Rodrigo, but you can call me Firith. I'm an energetic roleplayer, trying to fill my games with quirky and memorable NPCs, even if I'm terrible at voice acting. I like to make my players the center of attention and integrate them into the plot as much as possible. Fast paced and rules-light games are more to my liking. I tend to run pre-made adventures, but highly personalized, so they can adapt to PCs I've been running multiple games since 2018 and loving every bit of it. English isn't my native language, but I like to think I'm proficient at it, having developed a nice and posh British accent. Don't be shy and lets go together towards adventure!

GM Style

I collaborate with my fellow players during the storytelling process. I see TTRPGs as a group effort. So, if someone else than the GM wants to add an NPC to the world or describe a location, that's fine by me. I love interesting combats, fueled more by the plot than the mechanics, i tend to be rules-light, talking and describing during battle is my cup of tea. My acting is energic, and cringey may some say. You'll find quirky NPCs all over the place, with their own goals, personality, and motivation. Even if I like my NPCs, the player characters are the protagonists, and I want to make them feel so. I primarily run premade adventures, heavily modified to suit the PCs' backgrounds. I aim to create strong motivation and engagement in the main plotline this way.

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