Cost Per Player
Dragon Skull (he/him)
1 year on StartPlaying
Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Inclusive
About me
Greetings and salutations to you, my potential player. I am your friendly forever DM and have been for around 7 years now with D&D 5E. I pride myself a lot on my voices for NPCs, the ability to mold the adventure in a way that interacts with players' backstories and shape the world in a way that is fun for everyone so we can build an amazing story and memories together. My preferred style of DMing is to focus on the roleplaying aspect of the game mix with combat where it makes sense. If you and your party want to bribe or convince the guard to let you pass, I'm all for it. Or maybe you and the party decide a swift knife in the back will do the tick so be it. All my games should also be seen as a safe place to live out a fantasy. And in session 0 (those are free of course) we will always figure out what you as a player want and what you DON'T want. Hope to see you in my games soon. From your future DM.
GM Style
What can you expect from me? * I'm a big fan of horror and I don't go easy on potential gory details. * I am a big fan of the famous "rule of cool" * I bend and homebrew rules depending on the settings. * I voice all important NPCs with unique voices and accents so it's easy to realize the NPC you are talking to. * I will custom tailor every adventure to my players enjoyment * I will never outright try to kill a player but I don't hold back either. * I use music and sound effects to set the mood * My adventure will always be D&D 5E and most likely set in the Forgotten Realms. * I will give you extra time out of game time if you have something to discuss relevant to the game or group. * I will always have a webcam, functional microphone and a staple internet connection. What I do and don't expect from you. * I expect you to make a character that fits the setting. * I expect that you bring a willingness to cooperate and play with other players. * I expect you to be respectful to me and other players. * i expect you to have a functional microphone and somewhat staple internet connection (to have webcam is encouraged but not a must) * I expect that if you have problems with something related to the game you will tell me so we can work towards a solution. * I don't expect you to take notes. But it would be nice * I don't expect you to know the rulebook or understand everything your character is capable of. We will get there. * And ofcourse i expect you to be willing to play and enjoy some D&D
Games played
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