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Cendragon (he/him)




3 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Knows the Rules

About me

I started playing D&D shortly before Advanced D&D came out. I was playing with the blue book and was instantly enchanted, playing a fighter delving into a dungeon and encountering a giant spider. I had recently read Lord of the Rings. Since then I've played many different systems, including Savage Worlds, Pathfinder, Fate, Apocalypse World and of course every edition of D&D except for 2nd edition. I find player agency one of the most important aspects of game play; what the players do should matter and have an impact on the world. I am also a big fan of emergent play; meaning that things that happen during play can take on importance and have an impact on the story. I enjoy exploration and role-playing and prefer to use maps and miniatures (tokens) for most battles. I believe the player's choices for characters should impact and guide the story and encourage players to develop personal goals and narratives for their characters to pursue.

GM Style

I see myself as a fan of the players. Yes, I'll play adversaries to be challenging and give the players hard choices at times, but ultimately I hope the players succeed and along the way we all tell a fantastic story together. First and foremost it's important that the game is fun for everyone, respect is mutual with and for everyone in the group and imagination and creativity is rewarded. The dice can help tell the story but ultimately this is a group story-telling experience and everyone has their own part to play. I enjoy combat, usually using maps and minis (or VTT tokens) but I also like see the players role-playing amongst each other and with the various NPCs they encounter. I do use voices and talk in character, though I'm not great at doing voices, I don't mind seeming to be silly if it brings fun and enjoyment to the group. Player agency is vitally important to the game and I also value emergent play; things coming up in the game in the moment that can then carry things forward. I'm open to feedback about how I can make things better and also what I am doing well that I continue to bring to the game.

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