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Hat Robyn
Voice Actor
Women/Femme Identifying

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hello! I'm a transfemme sizable nerd who loves creating stories with others. Stories are a way for us to explore what it means to be human, as well as a wonderful way to process emotions, find community/family, grow through good and bad times, have a laugh, etc. They're also a great way to have fun! I love creating a safe space for people to enjoy gaming. Whether you're into classic fantasy adventure, a bit of romance, catharsis, making jokes, or enjoying stories of small people, you've come to the right place! I primarily use D&D5e because that's what's available to me, and I love helping people create characters as well as get enough of a grasp on the system to start having fun. Join me on some quests as we embark on whatever journey you like!

GM Style

I love roleyplaying, but more importantly I love crafting a good story that people connect to and enjoy. I like to draw engagement from players through questions and providing options should they feel unable to act. Often times, I'll put a voice on a character to help distinguish when the GM or NPC is talking, though I don't expect any of my players to use voices. I like to take the guidebooks as just that- guides. If a mechanic is getting in the way of a good time (or a good story) I'm more than willing to have a discussion about changing it. In fact, having a discussion with my players is a key factor to my GMing: I want to make sure we're all having a good time, feel safe and included, and have an impact on the story being told. At the end of the day, we're all at the table together to have fun. My sessions can last from 2 to 5 hours depending on what you're looking for. I like to try 50/50 roleplay/combat, though that can vary on an individual basis. I tend to opt for a smooth experience over sitting down and really crunching the numbers, though I certainly won't discourage any players from trying to do so! I want to encourage creativity in my scenarios and combats, and as such will reward players with advantage or inspiration if they want to do something that's extra cool and still with the team-spirit of fun for all.

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