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DMs Guild Writer

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

I write and DM 5e D&D modules for Adventurers League. As a writer, I like make puzzle-driven, exploration based adventures and old school dungeon crawls. As a DM, I strive to deliver a consistent D&D experience to my players, including both new players and veterans. I stick to rules-as-written, help new players along the way, and provide guidance to keep the game moving forward.

GM Style

I find that games with fast interactions in combat, roleplaying and puzzle solving can be very fun and exciting. With that in mind, I have a few general rules that I follow and that I ask my players to follow. IN COMBAT/INITIATIVE 1) Take your turn quickly. As the DM, I'm going to challenge you, but I'm not going to slow the game down with over-analysis of the board in an attempt to create the perfect turn. I prioritize fast play over perfect play, and I ask that you do the same. If you aren't sure what you want to do, choose something quickly and move on. If everyone does that, it will get back around to you quickly so that you can make the perfect play on your next turn. 2) Leave the talking to the active player. If we're in initiative in an online game, only the DM and the active player should be talking. If five people add a comment to the chat at the same time, nothing is lost; if five people speak over each other in the audio channel at the same time, nothing is heard (and everything needs to be repeated). If you have something you want to say on someone else's turn, please add it to the chat. 3) Take your turn, not someone else's Please do not tell other people what actions they should take on their turn. If the active player has a question about how something works, let the DM answer it over the audio channel (though it's OK for others to throw an answer in the chat). The best thing you can do to improve the flow of the game is BE READY when it comes to your turn. OUTSIDE OF COMBAT Generally, I am hands-off when outside of combat, and I leave room for roleplay between characters. I ask that players remember that they're on the same team in AL adventures, so there is no PVP at my table. I'm going to repeat that: NO PVP AT MY TABLE. This includes pranking, robbing, attacking or otherwise sabotaging the goals of the party or the other characters. If you like having your rogue steal things from others at the table, I strongly encourage you to play at someone else's table. Beyond that, follow the rules of AL, of the Code of Conduct for the event you're playing in, and the general rule of "don't be a jerk." Be nice, play nice with others, support your team, and I expect we'll all have a good time.

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