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Distracted DM

Distracted DM (he/him)



Voice Actor
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

445 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Voices

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

Hey there! Quick rundown of my DMing style for you: šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø Veteran DMing and improvisational skills to roll with your choices šŸŽ­ Notable NPCs with immersive interactions šŸ—ŗ Quality battlemaps šŸŽ† Spell effects āš”ļø Engaging tactical combat šŸ™Œ Newbie-friendly attitude with patience to walk you through an RPG There's an amazing feedback loop that happens when both the DM and the players are invested in the game. Whether it be characters, the story, the setting and lore- the more interest you show in the game that we're all enjoying together, the better it becomes! You can see gameplay clips and other content of mine at I'm an enthusiastic, experienced DM that's been playing & running TTRPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons for over 25 years- ever since I walked into a game store as an 11-year-old because it had a chess piece on the sign and I thought "I'd like to be good at chess." There was no chess to be had, but there were plenty of people playing wargames and D&D. The rest is history. I have experience in voice acting, teaching, and general nerddom- though my professional fields have been in Intellectual Property (Gaming, Streaming, Technology) and voiceovers. I love running games because of the choices that players make, the dramatic conflicts that are presented during play, and the way that players develop their characters and personalities throughout campaigns. I am delighted when the party does things that I don't expect- for this reason, I am also an excellent improviser. The world is a living place, though the primary actors are the players every NPC has their own reason for being that motivates them and informs their attitudes. The guard you're talking to in town doesn't know he's an NPC, he's a gruff man that respects the law and wants to safely get home to his family. I enjoy writing, especially scenes and short stories that are inspired by the world and actions that we put into motion at the gaming table. I may present these 'cutscenes' to players every few sessions, as it gives them insight into the world and other goings-on that are adjacent to their actions in the world. I like teaching new players, as well as running games for people that are old hands with the hobby! Welcome to the table, and I'll see you in the dungeon!

GM Style

Most of my adventures are of my own creation: they're often inspired by classic modules, adventures, and literature. If you wish to commission me to run one of the 5e WotC adventures like Curse of Strahd or Out of the Abyss for you and yours I'd be happy to; though I'd suggest permitting me to alter the adventure as appropriate, for the best enjoyment of all involved! I thrive on player creativity and finding out what the players will choose to do next, so I can see how it will shape the world around them. I'll frequently make use of different voices and accents to help immerse you in the world- though I don't expect the same from my players. I consider 'roleplaying' to be making choices for your character, *particularly* if those choices are different from what you yourself would make (I'd take the money and go buy plate mail armor... but Angelos the Paladin would give it back)- speaking in the first-person or in a different voice is icing on the cake. Player choice is paramount in my games, although I will ask that you remember that you're a member of a party working together- disrupting others' fun isn't welcome. Buy-In and consent are important to any game. A solid mix of tactical combat and roleplaying. The slide goes in the direction the players prefer, I think that open communication is important and will at certain points be clear about 'this adventure hook will involve more combat, this one might embroil you in politics and roleplaying.'

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