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Deadeye Sam

Deadeye Sam (she/her)



Women/Femme Identifying

2 years on StartPlaying

22 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Storytelling

About me

Hi, I'm Sam, I'm a US based super nerd who has loved everything from high fantasy to sci-fi ever since I was a kid. I started playing ttrpgs when I was 16 and I started dm'ing at 18. I love giving players the ability to solve puzzles and combat scenarios in their own unique ways and watching characters come to life. I don't stick as closely to rules as written and usually will try to work with players on making their creative ideas into a reality in game in order to have the most fun and interesting session I can create. I hope you'll join me in my strange and wacky worlds, or even one of the modules to get a feel for my style!

GM Style

I love roleplaying and having fun characters that interact with the world at large, optimization isn't as important in my games as a good backstory, and a fun character concept.

Game Master Reviews (6)


Players say this GM is great at:




DM Vocalee avatar

DM Vocalee

Played 2 sessions

Playing D&D with Sam is like having your favorite comfort food. She's very cozy and comfortable. She provides an environment where you can kick back and listen to the world going on around you, take some time to think about it, and let her know what you'd like to do, and she's really just happy to be there for you when you're ready. Fun quirk I've noticed is how she says 'Oooh-kay, awesome!' to everything you do, it's her 'response loading' sound. If you want a D&D game where you just have to show up and have someone take care of the hard parts of the game, Sam is for you. She'll take very good care of you the same way she has taken great care of me. I would especially recommend her for beginner players. If all you wanna do is have some fun, chill out, make some new friends, laugh a lot, and test the waters with role play, Sam has a seat saved for you. Finally, Sam is able to accomplish something that I as a fellow Game Master on Startplaying have rarely seen accomplished on the site - She knows that ultimately, the goal is to show everyone a good time. She doesn't need complex plots and twists, she doesn't need bells and whistles, and she certainly doesn't need combat and puzzles designed to take all session. Sam gives you an experience that feels like you're just having fun with friends at the table - And ultimately, THAT is the way the game is meant to be enjoyed.

Aspen avatar


Sam is an incredible DM who takes time crafting incredible and detailed worlds filled with fun and mystery. she takes her time crafting and creating worlds or learning about ones that already exists in order to lead her players into a vast an colorful journey fit for any player from the advanced to beginner amongst us. Im honored to be one of her players and even more honored to call her my friend.

Andrew Henderson avatar

Andrew Henderson

If you enjoy being able to have a dm who helps you with creating a character, gives you freedom and creative choices in gameplay, than this is certainly the dm for you. One of my favorite moments was after completing a mission, the party was able to create wager with a retiring bartender. Whoever drank the most without getting drunk would inherit the bar. Needless to say alotta people got drunk that day.

Noah  avatar


This was my very first time playing DnD and Sam made me feel welcome, and helped me figure out how to play as we went, and I was feeling confident about joining in after just one session.

C.J. avatar


I could really role play! She was able to let us be our characters while making the story unique.

Gryphon avatar


Only my second DM for DnD but we've played a few other systems, and this game is the most general fun and relaxed game I've had. I know our group is going to do something cool or encounter something interesting and everyone's ideas are considered.

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