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1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hi! I'm Graham! I started playing real Table Top Role Playing Games (TTRPGS) in 2018, but I've been making up games and rules to role dice and tell stories with my friends since I was a kid. In 2021 I reconnected with some old friends via Zoom with a Dungeons & Dragons 5e campaign. It was my first game mastering experience and I've been hooked since the first session! I love D&D 5e and play it the more than any other system, but I also regularly play Call of Cthulhu 7e, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and a number of others! My FAVORITE SESSIONS are early-level 5e because that's where I think the best roleplaying and the funniest little character quirks come to light. I also love playing with first time players because I love sharing the hobby and hearing people's thoughts about their first adventure. All are welcome and I'd love to run a game for you!

GM Style

I love roleplaying and fun social interactions. I play RPGs for their inherent creativity and because I find it relaxing to explore a world or a character with friends as they do the same. I've committed a lot of time to learning rules and reading flavor text, but I still like to fly by the seat of my pants. I like running combats in any game, as well as puzzles and mysteries, though I'll admit they come less naturally to me. I'm open to questions like "can I try to knock the ogre down with my rope?" The character sheets don't rule us, so let's have our own fun. I like to provide a good challenge, but I'm never looking to kill a party. I like to reward players, but I'll try at least a little to balance things. I keep things light, but I'm still committed to lore and immersion. I tread a few fine lines there and I'm far from perfect, but If you like the sound of that, then look no further. *Brief Disclaimer*: I generally ask my players not to research builds or seek out "overpowered" spells or abilities in games. Feel free to make the most powerful character you can, but let it be authentically your character. I've played with thoroughly researched power-gamers before and I find that I do not GM well to their needs :,( No one will mind a botched attack or fizzled spell if we all got a good story out of it! If you're relaxed and looking for a chill, funny session full of roleplaying, then I'm your GM. Please play with me if you want to try something new or if you've already played a thousand sessions! All are welcome, so let's get creative. :)

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