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DMs Guild Writer

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

I started when I was 13. Wandered past the Role-Playing section in Barnes & Noble and got instantly hooked. But living in rural Alabama, I found it difficult to find players or a DM. It wasn't until I heard about 5e years later when I was an adult that I got to truly learn what DnD was. I watched Chris Perkins run Curse of Strahd on YouTube and the rest is history. I love the horror aspect he brought to the game and it was astonishing how I got the same feeling listening to his game as I did when I played Silent Hill or any other horror game. I decided right then, I wanted to terrify people. I want to give you an enemy that seems impossible to overcome and then raise you up as a champion when you defeat it. I'm also terribly meticulous with my game prep. I spend nearly all of my free time pouring over the details of play and will spend hours going over the possibilities when we reach the end game. I hate loose ends and do my best to give everyone as much closure as possible when it comes time to end a game. I use Roll20 for gameplay, Discord for voice, Token Stamp 2 for token generation and Inkarnate for my maps. I am a paid subscriber to all my resources and make certain I've put in the work on a custom game before I go live with it. I understand there's a certain stigma around paid DMs. I honestly hate to charge, but it just makes sense given how many trolls like to ruin games and create pvp horror stories. That said, the amount of work I put into my one-shots is far beyond what I get back out of them. I meticulously pour over stat blocks, maps, riddles, puzzles and the math that goes into making an adventure. I practice and use character voices for all my NPCs and do everything in my power to make sure that all my players get their money's worth. If at the end of the game, you feel you've overpaid (you had to leave early, another player ruined your experience, technical issues, ect.), I am perfectly willing to issue a partial refund or invite you to play in my next one-shot for free. I understand you are paying me for a service and I respect my responsibility to provide an authentic experience with as much emersion and fun as I can muster. My DMsGuild titles:

GM Style

*Professional Attitude Toward Storytelling *Background Deep Diver (I build you into the world) *Emphasis on Horror and Moral Conundrums *65/35 Roleplay to Combat ratio *Self-Proclaimed Loremaster *Deeply Over-practiced Character Voices (not required from players) *Custom Maps and Resources *Encouragement of Creative Problem Solving *Hand-picked Music (and character themes) for Improved Immersion *Very Beginner Friendly *Experienced Hands for the TTRPG Veterans

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