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Nathan (aka Cinderillion)
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Creativity, World Builder

About me

Hello, I am Nathan (aka Cinderillion). I enjoy playing D&D with new players, friends, and family. When I starting playing D&D I was appointed as the Game Master of 8 other players who were all my co-workers. Since then I have played countless games. I tend to prefer home-brew games as that is what I started doing. Though I own and have ran many official adventures. I offer a rich world that players can return to.

GM Style

My style is to entertain my players with a rich world that they can get invested in. I tend to run more on rules-as-written but will always encourage creativity and planning with others. It really all comes down to the roll of the dice. Sometimes my players may have ran into a trap of some kind and my favorite things is to tell them… *you reach for the door nob and turn it… the door opens* Most of the time it’s simple as that but it’s that %1 that will get you. I run many of my games with a high focus to combat. Though you can get lost in my world’s politics if that interests you too. Most of my players tell me they like high combat so I give them what they want. However beware! My games tend to be challenging and sometimes outright hard. So much so that it keeps my players on the edge of their seats! And off of their phones! ;) I’m not the biggest voice actor but I love to try out new and interesting stuff. However I like to strive to becoming a better GM with each adventure I run.

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