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Rey Philip

Rey Philip (he/they)



4 years on StartPlaying

175 games hosted

About me

Hello Everybody! Name is Rey Philip or RP for short! I've been DM'ing for about 8 years now, right after I graduated culinary school. I've always wanted to play D&D for the longest time even when I was a wee lad, but finding books in the Philippines was the hardest part of this journey. I eventually 'borrowed' them online, and started from there. Eventually I started a group in Roll20 that lasted about a year before I had to go to GA, USA for my internship. I'd eventually move to the United States 5 years ago in the great city of Los Angeles and paid for that book I 'borrowed' as soon as I had established myself a little in the US. Now, I've DM'ed over 100's of games. And my players have ranged from dishwashers, restaurant managers, Emmy nominees to some prolific names making waves in the TTRPG community. I decided to quit my job as a chef last year to pursue a career in story telling, and I'm here now. What I can offer you is a unique D&D 5e experience that caters to both new players and old alike. There's always surprises around every corner. I'm flexible and am able to fit the need of my players, whether it be engaging roleplay, intense combat or challenging exploration. I'm a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and offer a safe space for gamers of the same community. My biggest accomplishment is my current group in Los Angeles. Originally a group of strangers that's turned into a great group of friends. We're on our third campaign and have been running for 6 years now, with the latest one being my full delve into homebrew world building! DM'ing is the greatest joy of my life, and I'd like to share that joy with you :) If you ever need a game catered to your liking, please feel free to drop me a message here!

GM Style

My GM'ing style is fast and loose. I like tense situations and I like engaging roleplay. Improv is my main tool, but don't be fooled my encounters are well planned out. Whether it be roleplay or combat every encounter I have furthers the story and and serves a purpose. I love crafting stories that really engage the player and allow them to really get into their character when they make important moral sessions. I play D&D not only to have fun, but to be challenged in the way I think and act in the real world. I'm all about inclusive worlds and diverse worlds.

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What's StartPlaying?

Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • Book your session and wait for the Game Master to approve you.

  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.