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1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hi Players! Do you like liberating darkness, thickets of thorns sticky with mind-altering sap, or drunken detectives who still lock up the serial killer who turned out to be a major demon?! So contact me, I have gloomy and bitter tales for you! My philosophy as a professional Game Master is to make sure every player feels invested in the story, and to create an environment where everyone can express themselves and contribute to the narrative. I tailor my campaigns to the interests and playstyles of my players, to deliver a personalized but still cathartic and border-line role-playing experience. Salut les Joueurs ! Aimez-vous les ténèbres libératrices, les fourrés d'épines collants de sève psychotrope, ou les détectives ivres qui coffrent tout de même le tueur en série, qui s'est avéré être en réalité un démon majeur ?! Alors contactez-moi, j'ai des histoires sombres et amères pour vous ! Ma philosophie en tant que Maître de Jeu professionnel est de m'assurer que chaque joueur se sente investi dans l'histoire, et de créer un environnement où chacun peut s'exprimer et contribuer à la narration. J'adapte mes campagnes en fonction des intérêts et des styles de jeu de mes joueurs, pour offrir une expérience de jeu de rôle personnalisée mais toujours cathartique et borderline.

GM Style

My Mission Proposals! Vampire: The Masquerade (V20): With several years of experience as a Game Master on Vampire: The Masquerade, I have extensive knowledge of the 20th Anniversary Edition (V20). My expertise in political intrigue, character creation, and the management of various vampire clans allows players to fully immerse themselves in the Dark World. Orgies of Mandrakes and Guaranteed Passions! Vampire: The Requiem (1st Edition): A specialist in the first edition of Vampire: The Requiem, I am able to guide players through the plots and intrigues of the undead society. My approach emphasizes the personal story of the characters and the exploration of their lost humanity. Melancholy and Nostalgia await you! Toon: As a Game Master of Toon, the cartoon role-playing game, I bring a touch of levity and comedy. My games are filled with hilarious action, imaginative sight gags, and wacky storylines reminiscent of the golden age of cartoons. Note that these campaigns are systematically played with the Vampire Requiem 1 system and take place in the world of Darkness, the Toons belonging to a specific race of Fairies, the Colored. If all the games offered are prohibited for minors and can shock, the Toon approach to the World of Darkness remains the most intense, the most schizoid experience. Nightprowler (1st edition): Mastering the first edition of Nightprowler, the role-playing game of thieves in the city-state of Céliane, I offer adventures rich in suspense, urban intrigue and daring burglaries. Players will have the opportunity to slip into the shadows and experience the thrill of perfect flight. Survival and Conquered Neighborhood Management is the major theme of this game, high PC lethality. Werewolf: The Apocalypse (W20): As Game Master of Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary (W20), I take players into a world where mythical creatures struggle to preserve nature from corruption. My campaigns focus on mythology, combat, and exploration of different tribes and forms of Were, including the Ferae who are the non-Wolves Shapeshifters. The places are always outside the West, namely either Africa, Asia or India. Mage: The Ascension (M20): Specialist in the 20th anniversary edition of Mage: The Ascension (M20), I offer adventures that explore the limits of reality and the quest for Ascension. My campaigns are centered on the philosophy, the enigma and the mastery of the different spheres of magic. My Mage campaigns question the theme of ethics. The PCs embody basic malevolent Mages but their morals catch up with them! … Or not …

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