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2 years on StartPlaying

About me

I'm a GM from Seattle, Washington who's dabbled in TTRPGs for 3 years. My favorite moments from TTRPGs have fallen out of spontaneous interactions between players that collaborative storytelling has led us to. I never thought I'd plan a wedding for the party's two beloved goblin NPCs they met in Phandelver, but here we are, looking at goblin color palettes to find what flower arrangements Fuzzclunk would want. This collaborative storytelling, exploration of new worlds, and inclusive creativity is what I'd like to share with all of you wonderful humans! I started GMing for DnD 5e but have thoroughly enjoyed playing The Quiet Year. If you're a new player, you'll fit right in since we're all learning about these games as we build our stories!

GM Style

It's a passion of mine to make the gaming experience as immersive for my players with as few barriers for them as possible. Players' choices have direct impacts on an environment that responds to them as they move through it, hearing fantastic sounds and seeing wild encounters. I try to create these experiences through a variety of techniques my mad scientist brain won't stop coming up with (we had a discussion, it said no) like 3D printing posable figurines as visual reminders of the equipment their characters have hauled across the Nine Hells to collaborative sound boards players can use to make their decisions more impactful (adding a "slipping on a banana peel" sound has been the best worst mistake of my GMing career). I try to be intentional with the three pillars of most TTRPGs; roleplay, combat, and exploration. I go out of my way to make sure each player gets a chance to shine in their narrative, in unique combat experiences, and in creative environments. I'm not great at character voices and tend to use a voice modulator to help my goblins sound less like belligerent mice.

What's StartPlaying?

Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.