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2 years on StartPlaying

About me

I'm a writer and artist that loves to express their creativity, especially through D&D! I started playing D&D about 5 years ago, playing as a player for a few games before I wanted to dip my toes into DMing. Ever since then I've been a DM for most (every once in a blue moon one of my players DMs something) of the games I play and I've been a DM for 4 years. I love the creative freedom that comes with D&D and love to encourage my players to have fun and explore the world. Most of the games I play are homebrews, but I've recently been trying modules with some of my other players. Right now we're running through Curse of Strahd and the Rick & Morty campaign. While I like what modules have to offer, I much prefer homebrews and I'm very flexible when it comes to character creation and creativity. I of course have a few rules, but I love the freedom that homebrews give to myself and the players.

GM Style

I love to roleplay, that's my favorite thing when I sit down and play a game. I try and keep a balance between combat, but roleplay is something I love. I'm trying to get better with voices and I also love storytelling. Especially when it comes to working up to emotional scenes with characters.

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